
vt. 承认;认出,识别


You don't recognize me.
>> 1900 Movie Script
Hey, soldier, don't you recognize me?
>> 1900 Movie Script
l recognize it 'cause l've been there with my Uncle Ottavio.
>> 1900 Movie Script
She looks at Drew again, and this time recognizes him. Drew arrives and impulsively he gives her a hug, genuinely very happy to see her.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
ANGLE ON ASHEMA: Who hears her name. She looks around, sees Drew but doesn't immediately recognize him. She looks around the park.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
(SOME IDEAS, NOT IN ORDER) Competitors warming up (wall front stretch, very high; one guy kicking another in the head – tap, tap, tap; two man routine practicing – another one jumps in?; two beautiful girls sparring; crowd assembling; group of kids waiting – call comes over public address system, they run off; stand outside selling high tech equipment; different styles of fighter's clothes – camo, stars & stripes, "headhunter"; stern 9 year old girl doing kata; two toddlers barely seen through their safety equipment fighting furiously; two twins doing identical kata; breaking; etc.) ANGLE ON DREW AND KWAN Walk into the area – Drew is dressed in the ill-fitting handmade suit by Mrs. Rodriguez. People recognize him as he walks past.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
So f***ing doped up, you didn't even recognize him.
>> 美国往事Once Upon a Time in America Movie Script
Can't recognize him without an apron.
>> 美国往事Once Upon a Time in America Movie Script
“You ain’t women yet,” Clara said. “I’m the only one around here, and he better spruce up if he wants to keep on my good side.” July soon returned to work, but his demeanor had not greatly improved. He had little humor in him and could not be teased successfully, which was an irritant to Clara. She had always loved to tease and considered it an irony of her life that she was often drawn to men who didn’t recognize teasing even when she was inflicting it on them. Bob had never responded to teasing, or even noticed it, and her powers in that line had slowly rusted from lack of practice. Of course she teased the girls, but it was not the same as having a grown man to work on—she had often felt like pinching Bob for being so stolid. July was no better—in fact, he and Bob were cut from the same mold, a strong but unimaginative mold.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“My lord, it’s the man from Yale college, the one who read that Latin on my sign,” Augustus said. “I recognize the horse.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
But it was such a beautiful, peaceful night, the moon new and high, that Newt decided to chance it. Lorena might already be asleep, it was so peaceful. On such a night it would be little risk to tie Mouse for a few hours. He looped his rein over a tree limb and went walking back toward Lorena’s. He stopped at a little stand of live oak about a hundred yards from the camp, sat down with his back against a tree and drew his pistol. Just holding it made him feel ready for anything.Resting with his back against the tree, Newt let himself drift back into the old familiar daydreams in which he got better and better as a cowboy until even the Captain had to recognize that he was a top hand. His prowess was not lost on Lorena, either. He didn’t exactly dream that they got married, but she did ask him to get off his horse and talk for a while.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
In the short lulls in the wind he could hear the clicking of long horns, as the cattle bumped into one another in the darkness. They were walking slowly, and Newt let Mouse walk along beside them. He had worried as much as he could, and he simply rode, his mind blank. It seemed like he had been riding long enough for the night to be over, but it wasn’t, and the sand still stung his skin. He was surprised suddenly by a flicker of light to the west—so quick and so soon lost that he didn’t at first recognize it as lightning. But it flickered again and soon was almost constant, though still far away. At first Newt welcomed it—it enabled him to see that he was still with the several hundred cattle, and also helped him avoid thickets.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I would have taken her to San Francisco,” Xavier said. “I would have given her money, bought her clothes.” “In my opinion the woman made a poor bargain,” Augustus said. “I seen her not an hour ago, trying to cook over a dern smoky fire. But then we don’t look at life like women do, Wanz. They don’t always appreciate convenience.” Xavier shrugged. Gus often talked about women, but he had never listened and didn’t intend to start. It wouldn’t bring Lorena back, or make him feel less hopeless. It had seemed a miracle, the day she walked in the door, with nothing but her beauty. From the first he had planned to marry her someday. It didn’t matter that she was a whore. She had intelligence, and he felt sure her intelligence would one day guide her to him. She would see, in time, how much kinder he was than other men; she would recognize that he treated her better, loved her more.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“It’s them,” Augustus said. “A scout like you, who’s traveled in Montana, ought to recognize his own men.” “Gus, you’d exasperate a preacher,” Jake said. “I don’t know what your dern horses sound like.” It was an old trick of theirs, trying to make him feel incompetent—as if a man was incompetent because he couldn’t see in the dark, or identify a local horse by the sound of its trot.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
But the farther they rode, the more lost he felt; about all he knew for sure was that the river was on his left. He tried to watch the Captain and Mr. Gus and to recognize the landmarks they were guiding the outfit by. But he could detect nothing. They did not seem to be paying much attention to the terrain. It was only when they loped over a ridge and surprised a sizable herd of longhorns that the Captain drew rein. The cattle, spooked by the seven riders, were already running away.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
So it will be genetically coded to recognize her authority and assume her traits.
>> 侏罗纪世界2 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) Movie Script
But Grant has stopped abruptly next to the Velociraptor pen, which we recognize as the heavily fortified cage we some earlier, which the San Quentin towers at one end.
>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
Ellie looks at him with confusion, then quickly checks the Caller ID box besides the phone. It's international, and not a number she recognizes.
>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
moving through the low trees. We recognize it as the back of a spinosaurus. We might think it's any random spinosaurus, except for the RINGING coming from somewhere inside it.
>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
Eric studies his guest, finally certain he recognizes him.
>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
Being a monarchist, I recognize these are your digs. Therefore: here you rule.
>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
He recognizes her instantly, and is clearly impressed, yet refuses to be intimidated.
>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
It’s Amos Calloway. Will doesn’t recognize him.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
Jenny stops playing, her piece not quite finished. She turns to face him. Edward still doesn’t recognize her.
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script
Edward doesn’t recognize her as the little girl who used tohave a crush on him. Without turning, she says...
>> 大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script