
n. 消息;预言;启示;广告词;差使


A message from someone you know, named Captain Salazar.>>完整场景
Find Sparrow for me and relay a message.>>完整场景
When you find him, will you give him a message?>>完整场景
INT. JAPANESE AIR DEFENSE STATION - DAY This is the nerve center of Tokyo's defense. An OFFICER receives a message and reports to his supervisor.>>完整场景
Order the cruisers to open fire! We've got to sink them before they get a message away.>>完整场景
INT. BRIDGE OF THE ENTERPRISE - DAY The message is handed to Admiral Halsey.>>完整场景
Mobilize everything! We're at war! Send a message to Washington: Hostilities with Japan commenced with an air raid on Pearl Harbor.>>完整场景
INT. RADIO STATION KGBM - DAY The DISC JOCKEY, handed a message by the army officer, stops playing the soothing Hawaiian music and announces...>>完整场景
INT. BRIDGE OF YAMAMOTO'S CARRIER - DAY Yamamoto is handed this message.>>完整场景
Daniel Walker?... Danny rises from his bunk and accepts the telegram. As the message boy leaves, Danny reads... The news he learns stuns him... EXT. BENCH - OUTSIDE THE HOSPITAL - NIGHT Rafe is still lost in thought. He hears steps running up -- and sees Danny -- who spots him at the same moment.>>完整场景
INT. PILOT'S BARRACKS - NIGHT A Japanese-American MESSAGE BOY parks his motorbike outside and enters the barracks.>>完整场景
Mr. President, we've received a message from the Argentinian ambassador to Japan.>>完整场景
Two members of his staff are standing uncomfortably in front of him, having delivered a message from the Joint Chiefs of Staff.>>完整场景
And Michael Corleone's message?>>完整场景
l bring a message from Michael Corleone.>>完整场景
Let's get a message to Joey Zasa.>>完整场景
l just sent him a message.>>完整场景
(to MICHAEL, warmly) You're on, kid...I'll square it with Mom your not seeing her before you left. And I'll get a message to your girl friend when I think the time is right.>>完整场景
Hi, this is a message for Fredi Cameron.>>完整场景
My God, you got my message!>>完整场景
! But in the end I still maths teacher Can you take my picture? - For - ! Emergency message Do you think that this? - Why, I'm not sure - It does not seem to me more of a personal photo But the substance and seems like he is ! The same view of the quiet, and feeling cold I do not know, probably is - If you were not sure of is Enough - Check out all the databases And you will find a match Well, but'll put it under any report?>>完整场景
And when you were ready to go public you revealed your secret message with grape juice.>>完整场景
When I was a kid, if you wanted privacy if you wanted to send a secret message you made invisible ink with vinegar.>>完整场景
Who knew the message all along.>>完整场景
ANGLE ON LI AND GAO Who also get the message.>>完整场景