
prep. 在……上面;在……之上;超过


Between America and the Far East are the sea lanes where the winds and the currents make the best route for shipping. Far above is the northern route, between Canada and Russia.>>完整场景
Rafe comes out of his turn ahead of the Squad Leader, and races back up through the formation of German bombers, moving above them where their weapons and armaments are the weakest.>>完整场景
BELOW THE SURFACE we see the torpedo as it plunges at two hundred miles an hour into the sunlit sea. With the wooden fins the torpedo makes a sharp dip and levels off above the sea floor.>>完整场景
EXT. PEARL HARBOR - DAY Another Japanese tourist hikes through the hills above Pearl Harbor. He takes an excellent camera from his picnic basket, and shoots pictures.>>完整场景
EXT. THE SKIES ABOVE OAHU - DAY A seaplane takes tourists on an excursion above Pearl Harbor and around the island of Oahu. One Japanese tourist shoots pictures rapidly...first of the ships as seen from overhead; then he leans to the other side of the plane and shoots pictures of the airfield below them.>>完整场景
(beat) Aw, sh*t. Aw sh*t sh*t sh*t... RAFE'S PLANE reaches two thousand feet, just a speck above them, and seems to pause in the air.>>完整场景
And when the majority of these adjustable rates kick in... in '07 they will begin to fail and if they fail above 15 percent the whole bond is worthless.>>完整场景
Pentangeli lying in a tub of water. His stomach shows above it. His wrists are cut and covered with blood. The bath water has a purplish tone.>>完整场景
INT. ELLIS PROCESSING HALL - DAY The hundreds of immigrant families sit on rows of benches in the great hall. Various painted lines lead to the steps and processing rooms above.>>完整场景
VITELLI VILLAGE SQUARE CALO and FABRIZZIO dance wildly through the night of the great wedding celebration. It is held in the Village Square; under the watchful eyes of SHEPHERDS above on the tops of buildings, carrying luparas.>>完整场景
Come Sunday morning:
My name is Vitelli and my house is up there on the hill, above the village.>>完整场景
The VIEW examines the room once again, as the DON speaks. A large, clicking board is changing numbers at various times, and two tapes, showing the fluctuations of the Market during the day's trading, and projected above.>>完整场景
...and social order. Happy mothers and fathers, but above all... -Do l stink?>>完整场景
But our thoughts, above all, go to our brother partisans -who fought so bravely... -Leonito, what are you doing in here?>>完整场景
Soldiers above you, soldiers below you.>>完整场景
That's what it needs, above all else.>>完整场景
We are here, above all else... to support the civilian population.>>完整场景
It is huge, and the water is crashing down from high above.>>完整场景
Suddenly, a huge stick ENTERS FRAME, and it pauses for a moment above Drew, before THUMPING down on top of him.>>完整场景
THE R.0.U.S. high above them; it watches -->>完整场景
By the time he finally rode onto the little hill with the live oaks above the Guadalupe, the sign was about gone. The Latin motto, of which Augustus had been so proud, being at the bottom, had long since been broken off. The part about the pigs was gone, and the part about what they rented and sold, and Deets’s name as well. Most of Pea Eye’s name had flaked off, and his own also. Call hoped to save the plank where Gus had written his own name, but the rope he had tied the body with had rubbed out most of the lettering. In fact, the sign was not much more than a collection of splinters, two of which Call got in his hand as he was untying Gus. Only the top of the sign, the part that said “Hat Creek Cattle Company and Livery Emporium” was still readable.>>完整场景
A day above Horsehead Crossing, as he was plodding along half asleep in the still afternoon, he felt something hit him and immediately put his hand to his side. It came away bloody, although he had not seen an Indian or even heard a gunshot.>>完整场景
It was a dry year, the grass of the llano brown, the long plain shimmering with mirages. Call followed the Pecos, down through Bosque Redondo and south through New Mexico. He knew it was dangerous—in such a year, Indians might follow the river too. But he feared the drought worse. At night lightning flickered high above the plains; thunder rumbledbut no rain fell. The days were dull and hot, and he saw no one—just an occasional antelope. His animals were tiring, and so was he. He tried driving at night but had to give it up—too often he would nod off, and once came within an ace of smashing a buggy wheel. The coffin was sprung from so much bouncing and began to leak a fine trail of salt.>>完整场景
Owensby ran down the stairs and insisted that they carry Blue Duck up and string him from the gallows. “By God, I said he’d hang, and he’ll hang,” he said. Many of the spectators were so afraid of the outlaw that they wouldn’t touch him, even dead. Six men who were too drunk to be spooked finally carried him up and left him dangling above the crowd.>>完整场景
The crowd was too stunned to move. Sheriff Owensby stood high above them, looking out the window, mortified that he had allowed hundreds of people to be cheated of a hanging.>>完整场景