
conj. (表条件)如果;(表假设)假如;是否;即使


Mind if I shine your shoes, sir?>>完整场景
As if I could be bought for such a low price.>>完整场景
I can't help it if your standards are lax.>>完整场景
The Dutchman needs a living heart or there'll be no captain, and if there's no captain, there's no one to have the key.>>完整场景
I would have, if not for the hurricane.>>完整场景
My wife ran off with my dog and I'm drunk for a month and I don't give an ass rat's if I live or die.>>完整场景
And if there are crewmen?>>完整场景
Well, if you believe such things, there's a beast does the bidding of Davy Jones - a fearsome creature with giant tentacles that'll suction your face clean off and drag an entire ship down to the crushing darkness.>>完整场景
William, I shall trade you the compass if you will help me to find this.>>完整场景
Perhaps I can ensure a fair trial for Will if he returns.>>完整场景
Even if Will succeeds, do not ask me to endure the sight of my daughter walking to the gallows. Do not.>>完整场景
- Eagerly, if you'll still have me.>>完整场景
Run them! Run! Keep running! Run as if the devil himself and itself is upon us!>>完整场景
Mind if we make a little side trip?>>完整场景
The chalices, if you please.>>完整场景
Chalices if you please.>>完整场景
Perhaps if you don't mind I could tag along with you folk for a... This will lead you to freedom, mate.>>完整场景
Jack, if it's all the same to you, I'd be just as... Done !>>完整场景
Syrena ! If you can manage a tear. I will be grateful.>>完整场景
I will tear every scale from her body, one by one if I see fit.>>完整场景
I shall have a look at that map. If it's what I fear.>>完整场景
What if...we each choose an item of approximately equal weight.>>完整场景
Oy...If I jump...will I survive?>>完整场景
Take the wounded. See if you can find one mermaid still alive.>>完整场景
Cling to your soul Gibbs, if mermaids be given to take the rest.>>完整场景