开启一个欣欣向荣的事业。start a thriving business.
开启一个欣欣向荣的事业。start a thriving business.
- 2. Find the right business idea.:
- 3. Validate your business idea.:
5. Select your business model.
How will you make money? This is answered with your business model, which covers how your costs, revenue streams, and customer expectations work together. And you don’t have to start from scratch—check out these common types of business models.5.选择你的商业模式。你将如何赚钱?这可以用你的商业模式来回答,它涵盖了你的成本、收入流和客户期望是如何协同工作的。你不必从头开始——看看这些常见的商业模式。 6. Price your products and services.
What are your customers willing to pay? It’s difficult to know when starting out, but don’t let that stop you. Learn how to set initial prices and compare common pricing models that may work for your business.6.为你的产品和服务定价。你的客户愿意支付什么?很难知道什么时候开始,但不要让这阻止你。了解如何设定初始价格,并比较可能适用于您业务的常见定价模型。 9. Set up your finances.
You need a firm grasp of your startup costs and funding needs. Which requires you to forecast your sales, expenses, and cash flow. That may sound daunting, but we’ve broken it down into steps to follow and even cover setting up accounting and payroll systems.9.建立你的财务。你需要牢牢掌握你的创业成本和资金需求。这要求你预测你的销售额、支出和现金流。这听起来可能令人望而生畏,但我们已经将其分解为要遵循的步骤,甚至包括建立会计和工资系统。 10. Choose a business location.
Will you be selling online? Running a traditional brick-and-mortar location? Maybe a bit of both? You need to consider where and how you’ll sell your products. Explore what to look for in a physical retail location and how to make a splash online.10.选择一个营业地点。你会在网上销售吗?经营传统的实体店?也许两者兼而有之?你需要考虑在哪里以及如何销售你的产品。探索在实体零售店寻找什么,以及如何在网上引起轰动。