180°以南 180° South (2010) Movie Script


  美国的冒险家杰夫·约翰逊,驾船环绕半个地球,成功的攀登上科罗纳多巅峰。在探索自然的过程中,他体会到人生无与伦比的快乐,也深刻的领悟到,保护自然,是人类生生不息的使命。   2007年,探险家杰夫·约翰逊驾驶着名叫“北极熊”的帆船,开始了前往巴塔哥尼亚的探险旅行。在墨西哥的太平洋上漂流了一个月之后,2007年11月,他们到达了加拉帕戈斯群岛,这里是野生动物的天堂,居住着稀有的海龟、海鸟、蜥蜴等,还可以在港口小镇上观看到海狮表演。在随后的航行中,他们的桅杆在暴风雨中被折断,小船漂流到了复活岛。在那里杰夫认识了新朋友玛可,她带杰夫领略了很多神秘的地方。2008年2月8日,杰夫一行终于到达了巴塔哥尼亚,成功的攀登了科罗纳多巅峰,回到家乡后,他便联合众多同行与环保人士,启动一系列保护自然的项目。

When they reached the top of the glacier, below the steep summit pitches, his climbing partner decided to turn back, so Doug climbed the rest of it alone, solo in the last few hundred feet of technical ice without a rope.
I must say, that's pretty wild what he did, you know, you got to think about not only getting up but you got to think about getting down.
There's no anchors to rappel or anything like that, he had to down climb a lot of that.
That was a great climb, it has never been repeated !
I love this soaked son of a b*tch !
You know where I want to be right now ?
It's right here !
Nowhere else, not in the future, not in the past.
Look at that.
Look at that fat guy !
Oh my god ! Don't lose the juice !
This is what I've worked for, all my life.
I'm going to be 70 next November and it's been a good life, I tell you, I have no regrets.
It's a... Just live for the moment.
We're making our final passes to Corcovado and this morning, Yvon surprises us all by hopping on the boat.
He's been a climber for over 50 years, he just couldn't help it.
Who knows ?
This could be his last big climb.
We're 2 days out and the clouds are finally lifted from the mountain.
After 5 months at travel, I'm finally here.
It's hard for me to believe that in only a few days, we'll be up there, standing on the summit.
I think you're gonna like climbing.
- Have you climbed with women before ?
- Oh, they're great climbers !
- Really ?