180°以南 180° South (2010) Movie Script


  美国的冒险家杰夫·约翰逊,驾船环绕半个地球,成功的攀登上科罗纳多巅峰。在探索自然的过程中,他体会到人生无与伦比的快乐,也深刻的领悟到,保护自然,是人类生生不息的使命。   2007年,探险家杰夫·约翰逊驾驶着名叫“北极熊”的帆船,开始了前往巴塔哥尼亚的探险旅行。在墨西哥的太平洋上漂流了一个月之后,2007年11月,他们到达了加拉帕戈斯群岛,这里是野生动物的天堂,居住着稀有的海龟、海鸟、蜥蜴等,还可以在港口小镇上观看到海狮表演。在随后的航行中,他们的桅杆在暴风雨中被折断,小船漂流到了复活岛。在那里杰夫认识了新朋友玛可,她带杰夫领略了很多神秘的地方。2008年2月8日,杰夫一行终于到达了巴塔哥尼亚,成功的攀登了科罗纳多巅峰,回到家乡后,他便联合众多同行与环保人士,启动一系列保护自然的项目。

When I was 8 years old, 2 things set me on the path that I'm still on: the first one was when my parents took me on a camping trip to Yosemite Valley.
I remember looking through a telescope up at this huge granite wall, and guys climbing thousands of feet up.
I couldn't believe my eyes.
It was like watching men walking on the moon.
That same year, I saw surfing for the first time,
on TV:
"Wide World of Sports".
I saw these guys riding massive walls of water.
There were people out there putting themselves in places they weren't supposed to be, and I knew right then, that I want to be there too.
Most of my life, I figured out ways to pick-up and leave as the seasons change.
I've been a dishwasher, a lifeguard, a flight attendant, whatever it took to pay for the next trip.
In the last couple years though, I found a real job, I've started planting some roots, I've spent a lot less time on the road, but I never forgot about my dream of seeing Patagonia with my own eyes.
Sure, I can take my 2 weeks' vacation time and just fly down to Patagonia, but I'll never get a chance like this one again.
If I don't get on that boat, I know exactly what I'm going home to.
If I do, my future is unwritten.
I'm drawn to open country, that's where everything becomes clear, where the world makes the most sense.
When I put myself out there, I always return with something new.
A friend once told me: "The best journeys answer questions that in the beginning, you didn't even think to ask." I met Yvon for the first time in the South Pacific a few years ago.
I told him about finding that old footage of his and wanting to get to Patagonia myself.
Jeff is a real thing, he's just a total dirt bag.
He can live out of his car climbing in the valley, he's become a really good climber, rides any kind of waves.
He's just kind of hustling his way along so he could stay on the road.
He reminded me a lot about how I use to be.
I met a lot of young people who ask me what books to read or films to watch.
I think it's a good way to start, but there's no substitute for just going there.
Yvon gave me a photo Doug had taken, a snapshot of a really remote coast land in Patagonia with a mountain called Corcovado.