1900 Movie Script


1901年1月27日,著名作曲家歌剧大师威尔弟去世,这也正是意大利北部两户家庭产子的同一天。阿弗雷德(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro饰),富有的农场主的孙子;奥尔茂(杰拉尔·德帕迪约 Gérard Depardieu饰),贫穷的农户的孙子。两人从小就结下了友谊,然而因为地位阶级与出身经历的不同,注定了两人天壤之别的迥然人生。

Oh, they must be coming from midnight Mass.
What's going on?
A robbery.
What was there to rob?
She was full of debts.
Poor people.
They had to mortgage everything, the land, the villa, everything.
Who has the mortgage?
Oh, my God!
Everything she owned is mortgaged to Alfredo Berlinghieri.
What do mortgages have to do with it?
This was obviously a sex crime.
She was still a very handsome woman.
She undoubtedly had some relationship.
-Merry Christmas. Signorina.
-Good evening, Commissioner.
l wouldn't be surprised if this weren't the act of a crazed, jealous lover.
lt could be anyone, possibly someone right here.
She probably led him on, then spurned him.
With his lust aroused, he possibly raped her.
Then this murder.
Maniacs. Communists. Perverts.
May l take a look?
There, you see? No underwear.