A Boy Called Dad Movie Script


罗比是一个14岁的小男孩,目前他刚刚“收获”了一个孩子,他做上了爸爸。虽然罗比很想承担起父亲的责任并抚养这个孩子成人,但是孩子的母亲却不想和罗比再发生什么瓜葛,她要自己抚养小孩。   伴随着孩子的出生,罗比和他的爸爸乔又重新建立起了联系——可以说是因祸得福吧,长期和儿子疏远的乔重新回到了罗比的身边。事实证明,乔是一个无能、懦弱而且极为不靠谱的父亲,目睹并亲身经历这一切的罗比不希望自己变成和乔一样的人,他要做一个合格称职的父亲。   当罗比看到孩子妈妈的新男友是一个满口粗话而且有暴力倾向的人的时候,罗比决定要立即采取行动,他冲向孩子的母亲,抢下了孩子,并且拔腿就跑。在罗比“流浪”的路程中,他碰到了遭受家庭创伤的女人尼亚。尼亚没办法给罗比提供任何帮助,因为她还有一个丑陋的并且复杂的家庭需要去应付。与此同时,内疚的父亲乔也开始四处寻找走失的罗比。他猜测着罗比可能会到达的地点,希冀能在那里找到儿子。   乔找到了儿子罗比和孙子,但是父子俩的会面却远没有想象中的那么融洽。他们一见到对方就开始大吵大闹。这两个“父亲”都不得不面对自己的过去,回忆生活的过往,不得不从伤痛内疚中走出——学会“父亲”的真谛。

We're going, Elliot. Get the ferry to Ireland. Everything's going to be cool. We'll be safe there. Oh - urgh! F***ing hell, what's she feed you? Come on. Come on, stinky. Ssh.
Sh*t. I fell asleep. I haven't done nothing, honest. Just needed somewhere to kip. Is this your farm? What's your name? You Welsh? Charlotte Church, yeah? You understand me? Why don't you say something? Nia! What're you doing in there? Come on. RESPIRATOR HISSES
Thanks. Is it Nia? This is Elliot. Me son. I'm looking after him for his mum for a bit. She's not well. You won't let on I'm here, will you? ELLIOT COUGHS, SPLUTTERS Rragh! That warm? Good boy. Ah! Good boy, Elliot.
'Anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of the 14-year-old 'should contact Merseyside Police immediately. 'A housewife in Cheshire has been...' I heard you. Singing. Why did you pretend you couldn't talk? Please. Say something in Welsh. Go on. Teach me some swear words. Cachgi. What's that? Sh*t dog or...coward. Another. Coc oen. Coc oen. Lamb's cock. What was it like? With you and Elliot's mum? What was what like? You know. The sex. Just sex. Put you off? No. Did you love her? To be honest, not even sure I liked her. Don't you want to do it with someone you like? If I meet someone, yeah. ELLIOT CRIES SOFTLY I'll just check to see if I've heard from Nathan. Boyfriend? He'd like to be. He's older.Only chance I get to talk to lads. My dad won't let me. Treats me like a kid. Can't go anywhere on my own, except the farm. Maybe he just wants to look after you? How would you like it? He wants to meet me. Be careful, Nia. He could be some paedo. - He's not. - How do you know? Could be some old perv. You don't want to be doing it with some old fella. What's up? I'm going to stay here until you tell me. Uncle Barry. My dad's brother. Smelt of... the pub and fish paste sandwiches. He said... He said if I ever told anyone, that my dad would die as well, so be good. It was cos I hadn't been good that my mum died. On my 12th birthday, my dad caught him. I've never seen him again and my dad won't have his name mentioned. I got pregnant. I didn't want it. You need to talk to someone. I am. CAR ON CATTLE GRID Sh*t. Your dad! I'll see you later.
Sounds like a baby. Ssh! Sh*t! Ssh! Must have been a cat. The cat that got your tongue.
Ssh. Come on. Ssh.
Young lad. The baby's only six months old. Thought I heard a baby in the night. But it was a cat. Keep an eye out for him. He shot someone. I bet you haven't done behind your ears. I got this from Dad's tin. It's OK. I'll watch Elliot. Thanks. (SOFTLY) # Hush little baby, don't say a word # Mama's gonna buy you a mocking bird # And if that mocking bird don't sing # Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring... # Tiny, tiny fingers. Tiny. Tiny, tiny. Where is he? Safe. Where? Ssh. He's fine. Playing at? You do something for me, I do something for you. Like what? What are you doing? I don't want that to be the only time. With him. Nia... - Just tell me where Elliot is. - Not yet. Do this, Robbie, and you'll have him backand I won't tell anyone where you are. You knew all along? Police came round the house. - I'm the only one who can help you. - Then tell me where Elliot is. Please. Do this for me.
Keep trying. I can't. Please, Robbie. Please keep trying. I can't. Just tell me where Elliot is, please. I just want Elliot. Please... - I left him here. - Nia, don't piss about! I'm not. He was here. He was in the bread basket. F***ing hell, why did you do that? He's not a loaf. He needs feeding. He'll be hungry. He'd be crying, why ain't he crying? Why ain't he? I'll try over there. You go that way, and be careful, you can sink. Elliot! Elliot! - Elliot! - Elliot! Elliot! Elliot! Elliot! Elliot! Ell! Elliot!
Elliot! You're all right, Daddy's here now. Sorry, Ell. Ssh. You're all right! It's not you. It's just... I don't think you're ready yet. It wouldn't be right. Can't we still be mates? Will you do something for me? What? Just promise me first. - I don't know what it is, though. - You trust me? Then promise. Promise. Talk to your dad. Can't I just go with you instead? Could lie and say yeah, come to Ireland. But I'd dump you in Holyhead. Not cos I don't like you. It's just... This is my sh*t. Not yours. Dad... SINGLE LONG TONE
'Police believe the teenage boy 'who abducted his six-month-old son three days ago 'could be somewhere in the North Wales area 'after a stolen car was found near Prestatyn this morning.' '14-year-old Robert Mullan from New Brighton disappeared with baby Elliot 'after shooting 19-year-old Steven James with a serious wound. 'Police are warning the public not to approach Mullan, as he may be armed. 'In other news today, the Prime Minister...' Not long now, mate.We'll be there soon. Come on, mate. Ssh. THEY TALK INAUDIBLY Robbie, catch him. Catch him! Come on, Robbie, catch him! Whoa! Banana milkshake, please. Sorry, machine's broke. Got fizzy drinks. No, ta. It's just me and you now, Ell. Time to get the ferry. Good boy. Sh*t.
- Hey, come on, what's up? - ELLIOT COUGHS We'll get a boat from somewhere. We'll get our own boat, eh? Ssh. Come on. - You're in all the papers, you know. - F*** off. You said you'd meet me. I know, but how was I to know you'd steal a baby and go on the run? He's not "a baby." He's my son. Even so, you still abducted him. You're still wanted by the bizzies. How did you know I'd be here? Here you are. Photo. Rob!
Robbie! Rob! What are you going to do, mate? What you never did - go to Ireland, me and Elliot. - Give him what I never had. - What's the odds of you letting me come too? - Bet you've never even been to Killarney. - Yes, I have! Once. That bit was true. When I was about five. Yeah, I never wanted to come home. The only time I ever saw me mum and dad happy together. And then...we came home. Back to normal. What was? Me dad coming home bladdered every night and battering me mum. I asked you if you were like him. You never answered. You are. He drank. You gambled. Same thing. You both hurt people. - Rob... - And who was that woman in t'graveyard? - Me mum. Your nan. - I thought she was dead. Why'd you lie? - Look, Rob, we're getting soaked here, mate. - Why? - Come on, mate, it's cold, we'll get soaked. - Why? - The baby'll get a cold! - Why?! - Why?! Why, why, why! F***ing hell! Cos I feel sh*t, OK? Happy now? I feel sh*t about me, about this f***ing habit. I left me mum when I was 16. I left her to me old fella, that was a shitheadwho beat the sh*t out of her and I did nothing! OK? I didn't go back until... ..we were in town and you were a little baby. Our Bernie said me dad's in the hozzy, got cancer and wants you to see him, say goodbye and all that. So I goes to the ward and there he is with all the tubes and me mum sitting there holding his hand and that. F***ing hell! She done herself up, you know what I mean? All lovely for him. Then what? Nothing. I did nothing. Like I've always done nothing. - POLICE SIREN - I just walked. Robbie! What are you doing, mate? What are you doing, Rob, with the baby? Robbie! He's my son. They're not having him. I'm his dad. Don't be silly. What'll you do? Jump? You can't jump! Armed police! Step away from the edge! Why? Thinking about yourself again? Everyone's going to blame you, eh? If anyone's to jump, it should be me. Go on, then. Do it.
You won't jump! F***ing hell, I'm a failure at that, even! F***ing hell! Move away from the edge! Will you let me... Give me another chance, and I'll prove I can be all right, I can be your dad. Rob, give us a chance and tell me I'm not bad, please. Please. Please, mate. See you, Elliot. Go back to your mum now. She'll look after you. Get up. Get up! Give him back to her. His nappy needs changing. Do summat. See you, Elliot.
'They reckon that when you're drowning, 'you see your life flash before you. But I didn't. 'I saw someone else's life - 'it was my son's. Elliot.'

"Everything You Need" by Adem