遥远的桥A Bridge Too Far Movie Script


  欧战尾声,盟军上下逐渐弥漫着乐观的情绪。为了提前结束战争,各地盟军将领认为只要一番猛攻,便可提早直捣柏林结束战争。于是轻率地将大批伞兵空投在德军营地背后,去攻占阿纳姆的那座横跨莱茵河的大桥。不料遭遇德军的顽强抵抗,盟军付出了伤亡惨重的代价。这场堪称二战中最具戏剧性的战役,终以盟军的惨痛失败而告终。   由奥斯卡金像奖得奖导演理查德·阿滕伯勒执导的战争巨片《遥远的桥》,根据科尼利厄斯·瑞恩的同名小说改编而成。影片表现和讴歌了盟军在二战中浴血奋战的斗争精神,被誉为电影史上的超级战争巨片。

- We must break through to the bridge.
- We're completely blocked ahead of us.
There's a good deal more resistance than we've been led to expect.
I must see for myself how he's doing.
All right, Cole.
- What is their strength?
- I can't estimate yet.
Some Dutch Underground people were here earlier trying to explain the situation.
I'm not sure how much they know.
Stretcher bearer, bring that stretcher over here to these men! - What about Brown?
- They've both had it.
Christ Almighty! They've gone round behind us.
I think it might be safer if you spent the night with us.
- I've got to get back to H. Q.
- Yes, but alive, sir.
If we can reach them, there are some houses in that direction.
We can get ourselves organized and try and find out what's happening.
Pull him out! - Right.
- Sergeant Major.
Come on, lads.
Get a move on.
- Something just occurred to me.
- What's that, sir?
We're wearing the wrong camouflage.
It's all very well for the country, but we won't fool anyone in the towns.