A Country Called Home Movie Script


A COUNTRY CALLED HOME is a compelling coming of age story with universal appeal because it deals with trials and trepidations that most people experience in one way or another, no matter who they are or where they are from. The story incorporates the views of people from all walks of life; different generations, different places, and different socio-economic backdrops.   After rudderless 26 year old Ellie learns that her estranged, alcoholic father has died, her world is disrupted and she begins a journey that takes her to small-town Texas, where she finds direction, family, and friendship in this most unexpected place. 《故乡》是一部具有普遍吸引力的令人信服的成人故事,因为它讲述了大多数人以某种方式经历的考验和恐惧,无论他们是谁或来自哪里。这个故事融合了各行各业的人的观点;不同的世代、不同的地方和不同的社会经济背景。 26岁的埃莉(Ellie)得知自己疏远、酗酒的父亲去世后,她的世界被打乱了,她开始了前往德克萨斯州小镇的旅程,在这个最意想不到的地方,她找到了方向、家人和友谊。


Where's the body? Excuse me?

I said, "Where's the body?" I heard what you said, Roger, and I'm saying I was still talking. (SLURRING) Well, I'm talking now, ain't I? And this is a memorial service, isn't it? So I hope you're not planning on rolling out the casket like a birthday cake. Roger, if I could just finish, please? Would you like to take a step outside? Get some fresh air? Oh, something stinks in here, all right, but I ain't fixing to move. Well, maybe you'd just like to... Who the hell are you? I'm Ellie. I'm Mark's daughter. So now, the ungrateful kids show up. You looking for a little money, are you? Roger, you need to button it, and button it fast. Drunk as a skunk and the sun isn't even down yet. Drunk as skunk!

Okay. You know, I spent a lot of time thinking about what I was gonna say up here and y'all need to sit on down and get ready to cry!

I'm fixing to cry, all right.This whole freak show is gonna make me cry! And I'm gonna ask you one more time, where is my friend's body? It was my father's wish to be cremated -and that is what we... -Cremated?

Mmm-hmm. Yeah. Your daddy didn't want to be burned to a crisp. Well, apparently he did. Good God almighty! Did you hear that? Did you hear her? -Oh... Oh, I see. -No. So, now you're gonna sic your goon squad on me, is that it? It's okay, Jack. No, nobody is gonna hurt you.

Can you imagine? Getting beat up at the wake of your best friend? Oh, Christ, he was hardly your best friend. I knew him for about 50 years, that's more than the rest of you can say. (STAMMERING) And you've done this all wrong. I can see that you're upset. You burnt up his body, you got that picture of him from the Navy, he hated the damn Navy, you got this freaking... (MUMBLING INDISTINCTLY) Okay, that's it. You have to get out! -Get off of me. -Out! -Get off of me. -Out, now! -No, get out! -Ahhh! Oh, God.

Hey, just... Just... (PEOPLE TALKING INDISTINCTLY) (GRUNTS) (GASPS) Oh! (PANTING) That's right. (SIGHS) All right. Let's pick up where we left off, shall we? Ellie? You spend more time in this hospital than I do. This is the last time, I promise. How can you be so sure it's your last time here? 'Cause, basically, I'm gonna throw my clothes into a bag and catch the first plane out of here tomorrow. (DOOR OPENS) -Hey. -Reno, hey, are you okay? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Y'all can leave. I got to wait for some stitches. -No, we can wait. -No, no, no. I need to go home and check on my mom after anyway. -You sure? -Yeah. How's the cut? Is it gonna leave a scar? I hope so. Not very interesting until you have a bunch of scars you can tell a bunch of lies about.Go, get out of here. I'm fine. -Okay. -Bye. (COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYING ON CAR STEREO) Can we leave it on, for a minute? Yeah, sure. My father used to love this song. My brother thinks we lost my father years ago, you know, after the accident. Is that how you feel? I think he was still in there somewhere. Tell me something about him. Like what? First good thing that pops in your head. You know, he was in all kinds of bands. And then he met my mom and she was singing in a band in Nashville. -For real? -Yeah. (CHUCKLES) So you're like a show business kid? No. (GIGGLES) I mean, they quit all that by the time my brother and I came along. But... And she used to... Sing around the house, and, you know... I bet she was a great lady. (SONG CONTINUES PLAYING)

Hey, what are you doing? Hey. (SIGHS) Nothing. Just thought I, uh, lost something. What'd you lose? I don't know. You don't know what you might've lost? Guess that's gonna take you a while to find that. Is there anything that you wanted? I see you got your bag packed and waiting by the front door. -Yeah. I'm, I'm leaving. -You are. I mean, I came to say goodbye to my dad and that's more or less what I did. Well... They called and said that, um, they'd have your daddy's ashes ready if you want to take them. No. Thank you, though. What do you want me to do with them? You could keep 'em. Or you could scatter 'em someplace. You know what, I don't think I could do that. Well, I'm sure you'll think of something. Okay. (WOMAN ANNOUNCING INDISTINCTLY OVER PA) Should you be doing that? Hmm? This bandage is just not really my style, you know? How does it look? Not great. Do you think anyone will believe me if I said I got it in a shark attack? (LAUGHS) Hey, what time does your flight leave?
Leaves at 9:

00. -You don't have to stay if you don't want. -No, no, no. You know, if we got all this time there's something you could help me with. Where exactly are we going? Hold on, I think I saw one right up here. One what? Here, here, here. Pull up here. (GRUNTS)

(WHISPERING) Wh... Why do you want this thing?

Run! -What is that? -Hold this, tools. Tools for what? Tools to help us get into the store.

That is breaking and entering where I come from. Yeah? That's what we call it here too. (SCREAMING) (LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY) Now what? My plane leaves in 10 minutes. I don't think I'm gonna make it. You're not ready to leave yet. Hmm, I'm not? No, you just got here. I remember when I saw Amanda at the airport. I thought, "God, would it be really rude "if I was to get on an airplane -"turn right around and go home?" -(CHUCKLES) (CHUCKLES SOFTLY) Yeah. (SIGHS) This place sucks. I think you should come out to Los Angeles. You could record some songs. I think you need to get out of this place. I can't. My mom, you know. (CHUCKLES) Anyway, I'd sooner be dead than set foot on an airplane. (CHUCKLES) What? You can get up and you can sing in front of a whole bar of people who are throwing sh*t at you and you're too scared to get on an airplane? I'm not scared. I'll get on one as long as it don't take off the ground.(LAUGHING) -(BANGS) -Hey! Well, what are you two doing here? Oh, I'm calling the cops. That's for damn sure. I can't even look at all that. It's everywhere. (BANGS) (PIGEONS COOING) (GIGGLES) Oh, wow! (LAUGHS) Yeah, "Oh, wow!" (POLICE SIRENS WAILING) (TIRES SQUEALING) (ELLIE SCREAMING AND LAUGHING) Well, I guess this is it. I guess. (RENO SIGHS)

Uh... I uh, meant to tell you. I saw where, um, your key came from. My mom has one like it. It's uh, for a safety deposit box at the bank. (CLICKS TONGUE) Okay. (TAPS CAR) Reno! Thank you.

Hi. -Morning. Uh, is this key for your bank? I believe it is. Let me see. I'll give you some privacy. (DINGS) -Hi. -Hi, uh, I'm here to pick up my father's ashes. Well, yes, but we've run into a slight problem with the urn. With the urn? The one you selected is not available right now and we have completely run out. Well, is there a different urn that I can put the ashes in? The one you purchased is the most competitively priced urn that we have and... Well, if you'd want to upgrade, we could... No, um, I don't want to do an upgrade. Uh... Is there anything else that you could use? (TRAIN HORN BLOWING) (KNOCKING ON DOOR)

They're not home. Oh. Are you the granddaughter? Yeah, I'm Ellie. But how do you know about me? You're all they could talk about these past few days. (CHUCKLES) They're at the department store. Didn't Judy tell you? Tell me what? She's modeling today. (WOMAN ANNOUNCING INDISTINCTLY OVER PA) No, uh-uh. I do not do yellow. And it's in my contract. What contract? No one's getting paid. I do not do yellow and I don't do purple. They're just not my colors. They never have been, I... Just look at my hair. Are you crazy?

But, but this is all that we have left.

Well, then you've got a problem. Judy. Ellie! Bruce said that you'd gone and without saying goodbye. I told him he was wrong. He said that you got that in your blood from your father, and I said, "Well, she also got some of my blood "and my blood is just not that rude." How are you, dear? What is all this? Oh, it's not the best timing. But, but it was planned months ago. And well, I was just hoping that it would take my mind off my troubles. (CHUCKLES) How often do you get asked to be a model at my age? (BOTH CHUCKLE) Now, you go find Bruce and you get a good seat, and we'll go to the diner after.


Here we see the California casual. Delightful and comfortable. -With this, you can run your errands... -(CAMERA CLICKING) ...and still look like a lady on the go. Here we see the elegant gray, which is not just for winter anymore. -Beautifully cut... -(CAMERA CLICKING) ...totally comfortable, she looks so lovely. Our next model comes to the stage bringing a little flash and glitter. And here we see midnight blue, -suitable for any formal occasion... -(CAMERA CLICKING) ...while allowing for comfort at the same time. A beautiful two-piece ensemble, in beautiful midnight blue, -with sparkle and bling to match her beauty. -(CAMERAS CLICKING) (ALL GASP) (WOMAN ANNOUNCING INDISTINCTLY OVER PA) She's gonna be okay. Boy, I wish I knew a prayer right about now. Do you know any? No, I'm afraid I don't. But don't Judy and you go to church? I just go for the singing and she goes to see all of her friends. I sleep through a lot of the praying part. -You can go in now. -Oh, thank you. You go ahead.
-Hey. -ELLIE:

Hey. My mom told me that Judy got into an accident.Yeah, she had a pretty bad fall at the department store, but I think that she's gonna be okay. I'm glad you're still here. Can't seem to stay away from this place. (BOTH CHUCKLE SOFTLY) Uh... You're leaving? Yeah. It, um, it's not that... I understand. It's not that I don't want to. -Thanks. -(LAUGHS) And Tommy's gonna miss you. He's wonderful. (CLICKS TONGUE) Yeah, I don't know what I would do without him. What about you? What's waiting for you back in LA? I broke up with my boyfriend. I'm gonna throw out the annoying roommate that I have and probably apply for that job that I've been dreaming about. Sounds like you'll be busy. -(KNOCKING ON DOOR) -(DOOR OPENS) Well, come on in, sweetheart. From the height you fell from, I'm gonna count ourselves lucky. I thought you said we wouldn't be seeing you again. (ELLIE CHUCKLES) You should leave, dear. Do you want to sleep? No, you should go back to your home. -Well... -No, don't overstay your visit. If you do that, then you won't want to come back. And I want you to come back with your brother and with my great grandkids. Why, I've never even seen them. But you have a broken knee. Well, there are doctors here. Besides, it'll give Bruce something to do. (CHUCKLES) You need to get home and find someone who'll make that furniture that you design. Now, give me a hug and you get out of here.

HEY. -Hey. Where would I stay? What do you mean? In Los Angeles, if I came with you, where would I stay? You'd live with me. You'd have to help me throw out my roommate but she scares pretty easy. Okay. But then, just one thing is, I'm not gonna get on a plane. What? You want us to walk? (BANGS CAR HOOD) What's wrong with this thing? (ELLIE CHUCKLES) (COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYING) (SONG ENDS)(COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYING) (SONG ENDS)