A Quiet Place 寂静之地 Movie Script 2018



We hear a HORRIFYING ROAR, and then just as soon as it started, the music goes SILENT.
... Now just wind.
Wind pulsing through dry corn stalks.
The rustles and whispers of dead silence.
INT. SHED - AFTERNOON The FAMILY holds each other. Emotional and raw.
John pulls away from their tight embrace, slowly realizing... HIS DAUGHTER IS NOT WITH THEM.
John runs to the door but it’s JAMMED.
He pushes as hard as he can. LOUDLY shoving the padded frame.
Just when the door is about to BURST, Mia grabs John. She pulls him back as the MONSTROUS FORM returns outside... LISTENING AND WAITING
A bird CHIRPS. Benign at first, growing louder. A single WARBLE. Then many. We see - THOUSANDS OF CROWS. Filling the screen with their dimension and sound. Billowing like an OMINOUS BLACK CLOUD over - Recently planted CROPS. The crows descend upon fresh SEEDS.
Annihilating the soil. Lightening quick glimpses of - A Young April. Before she had a HEARING AID. She smiles - Her father John places a SCARECROW in the field. He wipes sweat from his forehead. We see - The TEENAGE GIRL FROM THE POLAROID. She picks April up into her arms - 23.
APRIL (V.O.) How come you and daddy don’t talk anymore?
We’re not sure if this is DREAM, or MEMORY, or SOMETHING ELSE entirely, and before we can comprehend - A HUGE CONCUSSIVE BLAST!!!
EXT. CORN FIELD, WEATHER VANE - NIGHT April’s eyes snap open.
She climbs out from under a pile of dead corn husks.
She is alone. Long deep shadows fall in the maze of corn that surrounds her. Every direction looks exactly the same. An eerie chill permeates the cold night air.
Nearby, we see the monster’s warpath. The SPEAKER BOX is TORN TO SHREDS. Wires and circuits everywhere.
April lifts what’s left of the WEATHER VANE. At one time it pointed right back at the farmhouse. But now...?
She aims it FORWARD • ...doesn’t seem right... She aims it LEFT • ...that’s not it.... She aims it BACKWARDS • ...oh no... April is completely lost.