- TIMER #3:
22 minutes By the way, it takes approximately 30 minutes to climb the Statue of Liberty, so if John wants to get to the top of this turbine before the timers go off, he needs to HAUL ASS. INT. SHED - DAY COME IN ON WILL’S STRICKEN EYES. Reeling. Shock doesn’t even begin to explain what he’s seeing... His hands hold a SEGMENT OF BRAIDED ROPE that John somehow left behind. Mia sees it too. Can’t believe it. Wonders for a moment what they can do. Decides: there’s nothing they can do. Will runs the ROPE to the shed door, prepared to bring it to John. Mia BLOCKS him. Too dangerous. Will backs away. His heart pounds. No time to think. EXT. SHED, ROOF - DAY Will opens the hatch on the roof and climbs out. Mia watches in horror. 55. INT. TURBINE, PLATFORM ONE - DAY John is halfway up the turbine. It is COMPLETELY DARK up here except for the light coming through the doorway below. John shuts and locks the LADDER GATE on platform one. It closes with a faint CLINK noise; a threatening reminder to stay QUIET. Keeps climbing. He’s moving fast, but each footstep ECHOES loudly in the chamber, tempering his escalation. A NOTE about Wind Turbines: people who ascend the central ladder, in any other context, would only do so if they were properly HARNESSED TO A SAFETY CABLE, because to fall while climbing a turbine ladder, at this height, would be DEATH. Which is why it’s so terrifying when... JOHN SLIPS!!!!!!!!!!!! EXT. VALLEY - DAY Will runs with the ROPE SEGMENT. It’s dangerous to move this quickly and recklessly. EXT. LAKE - DAY Will jumps into the ROW-BOAT. Unlike last time, he is not afraid anymore. Will pulls himself across the lake. He can almost see the TIMER ticking away on the WELL. How much time is left? 20 minutes? Or does it say 15? Will gets closer. The dial on the timer coming into crisp- FOCUS:
Oh no...- TIMER #1:
1 minute He has to stop that timer! INT. TURBINE - DAY John hangs on for dear life. One hand on the ladder, the other holding his BACKPACK. Dangling in inky darkness. 56. He regains his footing. Takes a step. THE RUNG BUCKLES JOHN FALLS TO PLATFORM ONE LANDS ON HIS ARM. THE BONE BREAKS WITH A DRY SNAP. JOHN WRITHES IN PAIN, UNABLE TO MOVE.