April and Will escape into the corn. EXT. CORN FIELD, WEATHER VANE - DAY- SLOW MOTION:
April and Will pass the WEATHER VANE. They follow it to the FARMHOUSE ....• EXT. FARMHOUSE - DAY- SLOW MOTION:
April and Will run to the shed. The alien close behind. BLOOD on its face. INT. SHED - DAY- SLOW MOTION:
April runs to the back of the shed. She removes two BATTERIES from the MP3 PLAYER and slaps them into the SIGNAL GENERATOR. April stands outside in front of the shed. The alien somehow inches away. April lets out a stunned cry. 66. Falls back. Closes her eyes. Activates the SIGNAL GENERATOR. WE HEAR NOTHING OVER THE HIGH PITCHED RING OF THE GENERATOR, which seems to take on a music-like quality; heavy dissonance climbing to an unexpected harmonic crescendo. April looks up, terrified at what she’ll see. SHE SEES -THE ALIEN FROZEN IN A SEIZURE. SHIVERING, ALMOST. FROM THE INSIDE. A TINY VIBRATION MOVING THROUGH ITS COMPLEXION. LIKE A SONIC TUMOR, GROWING, EXPANDING, EATING AWAY ALL THE VITAL PARTS THAT MAKE IT HEAR, THINK, MOVE, KILL... THE ALIEN COWERS- CONTORTS:
COLLAPSES DEAD JUST AS -SOUND BEGINS TO FADE BACK IN ALL AROUND US. AND TIME SEEMS TO SPEED UP TO NORMAL. April turns to close the SHED DOORS... But Mia stops her. She pushes the doors WIDE OPEN. They don’t have to be afraid anymore. The family embraces. Melting into a flurry of emotions that have gone unexpressed for far too long.