A Time to Kill Movie Script


杀戮时刻的剧情简介 · · · · · ·   黑人工人卡尔(塞缪尔•杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)十岁的女儿被两个白人蹂躏了,在那种族歧视盛行的岁月,卡尔不相信法律能帮他和女儿讨回公道。于是,他径自找到了那个家伙并将他们射杀。复仇后的卡尔直接来到了警察局投案自首。   年轻律师杰克(马修•麦康纳 Matthew McConaughey 饰)被指派为卡尔的辩护律师,由于卡尔根本不相信法律会对黑人公正,所以他和杰克没有达成一致。果然,庭上卡尔收到了不公正的对待。法律系那大学生艾伦(桑德拉•布洛克 Sandra Bullock 饰)这时出现了,她站在杰克这一边,决定为卡尔做无罪辩护。   虽然杰克获得了支持,但他的生活却受到了极大的威胁:当地的三K党用尽各种方法要挟杰克,甚至威胁要炸毁他的房子!卡尔看到了杰克和其他人的努力,他决定和众人团结一致,为公义而战。 In Canton, Mississippi, 10-year-old Tonya Hailey is viciously brutalized by two white racist rednecks -- James Louis "Pete" Willard and Billy Ray Cobb. Almost immediately after Tonya is found and rushed to a hospital, Pete and Billy Ray are found at a roadside bar, where they had been bragging about what they did to Tonya. Tonya's understandably distraught and enraged father, Carl Lee Hailey, remembers a case from a year ago, when four white men raped an African-American girl in a nearby town, and got acquitted. Carl is determined to not let that happen in this case. While deputy Dwayne Powell Looney is escorting Pete and Billy Ray up a flight of stairs to a court room, Carl emerges from the building's basement with an assault rifle, and he kills Pete and Billy Ray for what they did to Tonya. Carl is later arrested at his house by African-American sheriff Ozzie Walls, and Carl is scheduled to be placed on trial. Despite the efforts of the NAACP and local African-American leaders to per

You were able to identify the fingerprints found on this gun?
Yes, the prints on the gun matched those of Carl Lee Hailey.
You're sure?
I'd like to enter this into evidence as Exhibit S-18.
We have no further use of this witness.
Sheriff Walls did you arrest Cobb and Willard?
Yes, I did.
I arrested them for the rape and attempted murder of Is it true that Pete Willard signed a confession saying that he and Billy Ray Cobb did rape Tonya Hailey?
Objection! That's inadmissible, and Mr. Brigance knows it.
I've spoken to you before.
We are not trying the rape of Miss Hailey today but the murder of two young men, and if you continue in this performance I'll hold you in contempt.
Is that understood?
Yes, sir.
I have no further questions.
You say something?
Yes, he did sign a confession.
Objection! Jurors you will disregard the last remark of Sheriff Walls.
Court is adjourned till tomorrow morning, 9:00.
I'm taking Bud back to Oxford.
He always missed Oxford.
I don't know what to say.
There's nothing you can say.
I know you didn't want any of this to happen but it happened all the same.