成人世界 Adult World (2013) Movie Script


一个即将毕业的大学生,她深信自己会成为一个伟大的诗人,而并不是每天在成人书店工作。 A naive college graduate, Amy, who believes she's destined to be a great poet, begrudgingly accepts a job in a shop while she pursues a mentorship with reclusive writer Rat Billings.

- I'm getting up.
- One, two, three!
Oh, my God.
How are you? Oh, my God.
It's so good to see you.
- How are you?
- I'm so good. I'm so good.
After, like, Cuba and Darfur, I just realized that this is where I needed to be, you know what I mean?
in our own decaying country instead of everywhere else.
Right! Well, great.
I'm so happy for you.
Oh, my God. Sorry.
Pablo, this is Amy.
Oh, Hi.
Pablo and I met hiking across Ecuador.
- We met at the airport.
- No, we didn't. We met in Ecuador, with the organic chicken farm.
- We met at the airport.
- No. He's so crazy.
- No. He's so crazy.
- All right, I'm gonna go.
- I have to go to work.
- No, no, stop.