成人世界 Adult World (2013) Movie Script


一个即将毕业的大学生,她深信自己会成为一个伟大的诗人,而并不是每天在成人书店工作。 A naive college graduate, Amy, who believes she's destined to be a great poet, begrudgingly accepts a job in a shop while she pursues a mentorship with reclusive writer Rat Billings.

Love until you hate.
Then, learn to hate your love.
Then, forgive your hate for loving it.
On that note, do not wait to strike until the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking.
That's William Butler yeats.
You're dumb, but you're not stupid!
Time is so weird.
Being 22 is so weird.
- It's weird.
- Super-weird.
It's like this neverland, you know?
Like, we're not quite kids.
We're not quite adults.
It's like we're marginalized others or something.
Just cured my insomnia.
It's so cool.
You have such diverse friends, Amy You have something on your face.
You have something on your face.
- Yeah?
- Come dance with me.
Come on. It'll be fun.
Okay. It's floor dancing, floor dancing.
Her need for release exploded in a violent, lustful vengeance, as the stock boy finally took her to the edge of oblivion.