狂野非洲 African Safari Movie Script


导演本·斯塔森和摄影师肖恩·麦克劳德·菲利普斯回到非洲南部,开始了一次全新的冒险之旅。被称作“狮语者”的动物行为学家凯文·理查德森与从小与大象一起长大的玛拉·道格拉斯·汉密尔顿带领观众以旅行的方式穿过了地球上景色最壮丽的地方:从纳米比亚风景如画的海岸沙丘的沙漠,路过堪称自然奇观的火山口,到达叹为观止的维多利亚瀑布和乞力马扎罗之巅。   在这次旅程中,你能与狮子、猎豹、美洲豹、黑犀牛和大象们近距离的亲密接触。这是一辈子一次的旅行,所以让我们做好准备,一起进入真正的没有围墙保护的非洲原野。 Filmmaker Ben Stassen and cinematographer Sean MacLeod Phillips return to southern Africa for a whole new adventure. Animal behaviorist Kevin Richardson - "The Lion Whisperer" - guides audiences on an extraordinary journey across the most spectacular sceneries on earth: from the picturesque coastal desert dunes of Namibia, through the natural wonder of the Ngorongoro crater and then on to the breathtaking Victoria Falls. The film delivers startlingly close encounters with lions, cheetahs, leopards, black rhinoceros and elephants. This is the trek of a lifetime, so get ready to be immersed in the real wild Africa - where there are no fences for your protection.

1 Climate changes and population growth are threatening the natural equilibrium of our planet.
Nowhere is the challenge greater than in Africa where the population is projected to grow from one to two billion within a few decades.
More land is needed each year to provide for this rapid growth and vast areas of African wilderness are vanishing at an alarming pace.
In years to come, what remains of the untouched wilderness on this vast continent could shrink to a few pockets of fenced in game reserves that will be little more than large outdoor zoos.
Before it is too late, we want you, to join us on a safari adventure across the continent to survey what remains of the real African wilderness.
Look who's join us.
Welcome, it's good to have you on board, I am Mara Douglas-Hamilton... and I am Kevin Richardson.
Welcome to Namibia.
We're going to take you on an incredible journey across Africa all the way to Kilimanjaro.
And remember there is just one rule, please keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times... Oh yeah, remember to have some fun.
I am really excited to share this incredible experience with Mara.
Born in a family of prominent conservationists in Kenya, she was raised among wild elephants.
Inspired by her close connection to nature, she has explored the remotest corners of the continent and is active in the fight to protect African elephants.
As a child born in the suburbs of Johannesburg, Kevin who always had a keen interest in animals was not pre-destined to become a world renowned wildlife expert.
But at the age of 23, a chance encounter with the owner of a Lion Park in South Africa ignited his passion for big cats.
With a lot of hard work and an amazing gift, he managed to be accepted by a large pride of lion as one of their own.
To achieve this amazing feat, Kevin broke safety rules in the book.
Joining us on the expedition are location manager, Marc Baar, field engineer, Hal Bowker and balloonist, Dany Cleyet Marrel.
Dany has customized a balloon, called the Cinebulle, especially for this adventure.
Instead of a heavy basket, the passenger sits on a lightweight aluminum bench, increasing the balloon's flying range dramatically.
The propeller at the back gives us the ability to steer instead of merely drifting along with the wind current.
As we take off on our maiden flight, it is reassuring to know that Dany is one of the world's leading ballooning expert.
He has lead countless... scientific hot air balloon expeditions on all continents and is the inventor of a wide range of flying devices used in the famous canopy raft missions.
We will count on Dany to get access to some remote parts of the African Wilderness.