异形降临 Alien Dawn Movie Script


2012年,毁灭的黎明。当巨大的外星机器奴役和吞噬人类时,剩下的少数幸存者联合起来组成了一支武装民兵,这将是反对彻底灭绝的最后一站。 2012. The dawn of destruction. As giant alien machines enslave and feed off humanity, the few remaining survivors band together to form a armed militia that will be the last stand against total extinction.

1 It's November 28th, it's about 6 o'clock in the morning.
Uh, my name is Marissa Jean McCallum... - What the hell was that?
- I was on my way to work, I was driving and then all of a sudden some things just started happening!
Meteors contained alien intelligence... Their shiny and moving and... don't why we would be attacked!
The safety for the people around the world is at stake.
If anyone finds this... please give it to my parents Ellen and David McCallum... they live in Colorado.
Mom Dad I love you... I have to go... I have to go.
Theres no way as to... it appears to be the key military and government facilities are the target of the attacks!
I would like to speak clearly and candidly to the American people, the situation is increasingly perilous.
Come on... we gotta go!
Come on... Come on!
We gotta move!
- Hurry! Come on! Go! Run!
- We saw the troops handing out heavy weapons.
Come this way... come on!
The military bases have been completely emptied.
Their now taking all the weapons including rocket launchers... and they say now that the pepople and the military are together.
Holy sh*t... Get down! Get down... What are you talking about?
- How do you know the city routes... - What the f*** are you talking about?
- Do you see those god damn explosions?
- The city routes are blocked!
We'll go to the desert, I've got guns!
If we leave they will block the routes... - if we leave the city.