异形降临 Alien Dawn Movie Script


2012年,毁灭的黎明。当巨大的外星机器奴役和吞噬人类时,剩下的少数幸存者联合起来组成了一支武装民兵,这将是反对彻底灭绝的最后一站。 2012. The dawn of destruction. As giant alien machines enslave and feed off humanity, the few remaining survivors band together to form a armed militia that will be the last stand against total extinction.

We need to leave, we need to go now.
We need to do something, but... Hey man don't do that.
- Don't do what? Console her?
- Thats enough.
After she see just watched someone get their neck snapped?
It was your fault.
It was no ones fault.
F*** you! My fault?
You would have done the same thing.
How the hell was I supposed know it was pitch black in here?
- Your stupid man.
- Why don't you start worrying about what the f*** we need to do? Huh?
- Why don't you think about that sh*t!
- Hey! Stop it! Both of you!
It's not making anything better.
Do you understand?
We need to get out of here.
Your not thinking straight.
And that's all good but you need to listen.
- We're gonna listen to your plan?
- Yeah... Is that what we're supposed to do?
And your plan is what?
To go in attack mode?
- Three against a hundred?
- Yeah... no!