异形降临 Alien Dawn Movie Script


2012年,毁灭的黎明。当巨大的外星机器奴役和吞噬人类时,剩下的少数幸存者联合起来组成了一支武装民兵,这将是反对彻底灭绝的最后一站。 2012. The dawn of destruction. As giant alien machines enslave and feed off humanity, the few remaining survivors band together to form a armed militia that will be the last stand against total extinction.

Come on!
See him?
- No Roger.
- Me either.
Okay, lets keep going there is more up ahead.
Come on.
- Roger!
- Roger!
Don't touch the fence, its all electric over here.
F*** it's good to see you!
- How you doing? How you doing man?
- I'm doing good man.
- What's up brother?
- Are you okay? Are you hurt?
Okay sweetie, we're gonna get you out of here.
We don't have time for this, we gotta blow the fence.
There is a whole bunch of weapons right over there.
- Right over where?
- Right over there. / We got it.
Everyone back away from the fence, we're gonna blow it!
Come on!
We gotta go! Come on!
Okay listen... where is Sera?
They take everybody to that black temple right over there.