金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script


电影《金钱世界》改编自一起曾轰动世界的豪门绑架事件:世界首富保罗·盖蒂(克里斯托弗·普卢默 饰)之孙遭遇黑帮绑架,绑匪向其母盖尔(米歇尔·威廉姆斯 饰)索要1700万美元赎金,已经与丈夫离婚的盖尔无力支付这笔高昂的赎金,只能向盖蒂家族求救,但富可敌国却无比吝啬的老盖蒂却拒绝为孙子(查理·普拉默 饰)支付赎金,拿不到钱的绑匪丧心病狂的割下了人质的耳朵邮寄给盖蒂家族,心碎的盖尔在前CIA特工弗莱彻·蔡斯(马克·沃尔伯格 饰)的协助下,试图撼动这一僵局,解救自己的儿子……

INT. KITCHEN -- MORNING Paul pours a bowl of cereal. There are others here, shirtlessskinny men with beards and long hair; he doesn't know them.
INT. MASTER BEDROOM -- MORNING A huge round bed within a tent-like canopy of brocaded silkdominates the room. A man and a woman are sleeping there.
Paul lifts the flap of the canopy and climbs into the bedwith his cereal. We realize that, beneath the long hair andthe beard, the man is Big Paul, his father.
(whispering) Dad.
(increasing volume) Dad. Dad. Dad.
Big Paul does not move. Little Paul turns and looks at the woman beside him; she is not his mother, but a remarkabledark-haired beauty, a model.
Upon the nightstand there's a glass of wine, a lighter, aglassine bag, a burnt spoon.
PAUL (CONT'D) Dad. Dad. Dad.
Finally, Paul realizes it's pointless and gives up.
INT. GETTY OIL COMPANY, LOS ANGELES -- DAY Gail Getty paces in the front lobby of Getty's headquarters.
This poor woman, what she has endured! Gail is impeccably dressed and attended by her Italianattorney, the high-strung, diminutive GIOVANNI IACOVONI.
IACOVONI (CONT'D) The decadence of the father, adepraved drug addict, living in apalace in Marrakech filled with hippieparasites. How she suffers with worry for her son!
Giovanni, enough. This isn't Italy.
We're not going before the Pope foran annulment.
I know this, signora. I do this simply to get my blood flowing.
It's all business to them.
A TEAM OF SUITS file past en route to the conference room.
GAIL (CONT'D) I wonder how many people have evermanaged to walk out of that conferenceroom in one piece.
Signora. Do not underestimate the power of a mother's love.
Right now I'd rather have a billionaire's money.
SECRETARY (O.S.) Ms Getty, they're ready for you now.
INT. BOARD ROOM -- DAY A long conference table, lined on either side with ATTORNEYS.
At one end sits Gail Getty, with Iacovoni by her side.