金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script


电影《金钱世界》改编自一起曾轰动世界的豪门绑架事件:世界首富保罗·盖蒂(克里斯托弗·普卢默 饰)之孙遭遇黑帮绑架,绑匪向其母盖尔(米歇尔·威廉姆斯 饰)索要1700万美元赎金,已经与丈夫离婚的盖尔无力支付这笔高昂的赎金,只能向盖蒂家族求救,但富可敌国却无比吝啬的老盖蒂却拒绝为孙子(查理·普拉默 饰)支付赎金,拿不到钱的绑匪丧心病狂的割下了人质的耳朵邮寄给盖蒂家族,心碎的盖尔在前CIA特工弗莱彻·蔡斯(马克·沃尔伯格 饰)的协助下,试图撼动这一僵局,解救自己的儿子……

The Doctor exits, his examination finished. Cinquanta leavesthe plate on the floor. Paul takes a bite of the steak.
CINQUANTAIf I could, I'd take your place.
Cinquanta turns and walks outside, leaving Paul alone. Paul spits out the morsel. He takes out the Bic pen and the boxof matches hidden inside the waistband of his pants.
Paul uses the steak knife to scrape thephosphorous off the match heads. He removes the ink tube from the pen and packs it with the phosphorous.
He goes to work on the shackle that chains him to the barnfloor, attacking the floorboards with the knife.
He hears the VOICES of the men. He looks through a crack inthe wall. They're drinking and singing outside the farmhouse.
He pulls on the chain again, leaning into it. Finally itgives. He falls, the chain CLATTERING across the floor.
the men fall silent, thenresume their carousing. Paul picks up the pen tube and raisesit to his lips like a peashooter. He lights a match - -- and the phosphorous packed inside CATCHES FIRE. It sparksbrilliantly, like a Roman candle. He aims it through thecrack in the wall, then BLOWS - EXT. BARN -- NIGHT -- LAUNCHING it into the field of dried, broken grain. For a moment it is a shooting star, and then it lands.
INT. BARN -- NIGHT PAUL'S EYE peers through the crack in the wall - 78.
EXT. BARN -- NIGHT -- as his Roman candle sputters amidst the cracked stalks, then dies. The light in Paul's eye seems to die with it.
Then the wind picks up. The embers begin to glow and scatter; the cracked wheat catches fire.
THE ENTIRE FIELD IS ABLAZE. Paul climbs out of the wood shed with the broken chain slung over his shoulder. He disappears into the wheat field.
The flames threaten to overtake the barn; the men from the house come running, desperate to rescue the boy inside.
Paul runs through the wheat field as A WALL OF FLAME consumesit. The wind whips the smoke into a black cloud behind him.
We PULL BACK to gaze down upon the young boy as runs, the great field of fire spreading in his wake.
EXT. AUTOSTRADA -- NIGHT Paul runs toward the highway with the chain slung over his neck. A pillar of smoke climbs into the sky in the distance.
A single CAR drives by. Paul tries to wave it down, but thedriver speeds up to avoid him. Up ahead, he sees it:
Hey. Police. Police! Poliziotto! Paul runs into the highway, waving his arms.
PAUL (CONT'D) Over here! Attenzione!
A car horn BLARES:
the driver nearly clips him -- -- but the RED TAILLIGHTS on the police car light up. The mustached CONSTABLE stops and climbs out of the car.
As soon as the constable gets a glimpse of Paul's conditionhe hurries over to him. The boy collapses into his arms.
INT. CARABINERI STATION -- NIGHT A fire glows in the hearth. The Constable's WIFE, a stocky Italian Mamma, stretches a blanket over Paul's shoulders.
In the BG, the Constable phones in to report the boy's rescue.
Povera bambino... cosi freddo... 79.
She goes to the hearth and spoons out a plate of warm polenta.