美国骗局 American Hustle Movie Script


  一次偶然中,埃文(克里斯蒂安·贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)遇见了性感美艳的脱衣舞女西德尼(艾米·亚当斯 Amy Adams 饰),趣味相投的两人一见钟情,很快就打得火热。没想到,埃文是一个职业骗子,在他的鼓动和“爱情的力量”影响之下,西德尼毅然入伙,两人联手合作,将“事业”经营的有声有色。

SYDNEY PROSSER: I can’t believe this is happening.
IRVING ROSENFELD Don’t say I don’t love you because that’s bullshit!
SYDNEY PROSSER: (sobbing) This is bullshit. You are bullshit.
We are bullshit.
She starts sobbing, shaking.
IRVING ROSENFELD Please don’t do this.
SYDNEY PROSSER: I just never thought you were conning me.
IRVING ROSENFELD I could never con you. I love you.
Please don’t say this.
Irv walks to her and bends down to join her on the floor as she sobs.
IRVING ROSENFELD Don’t say that.
SYDNEY PROSSER: (cries) I'm gonna do these four busts, these four cons, to get us out of this. Not just me, but us. And I'm gonna get really close with Richie, the cop, in case we need to use him, if we need another move.
IRVING ROSENFELD We don’t need another move. We need four busts, and we’re done.
SYDNEY PROSSER: We are going to need another move, trust me. And you’re going to be thanking me. (shifts to British accent) The key to people is what they believe and what they want to believe and I want to believe that we were real, and I want to believe that a man could want me. And I'm gonna take all of that heartbreak, and all of that sorrow, and I am going to use it. And I'm going to make Richie think that I want him, and that I like him, and I’m going to be very convincing -- And I’m pissed at you.
Sydney reaches over and carefully grabs Irving’s face lovingly which quickly turns into a slap as she continues on.
SYDNEY PROSSER (CONT’D) Because I’m pissed at you!
Irving stares at Sydney with confusion. He’s never seen her like this before.
SYDNEY PROSSER (CONT’D) Maybe I do like him -- Maybe I like him a lot. From the feet up right -- baby?
Sydney gets up from the couch and storms back to her room.
SYDNEY PROSSER (CONT’D) Quite your belly aching and come upwith something to get us out ofthis. And you're right -- I'm in nostate to deal with this so what's it gonna be, Mister Mastermind?
SOUND PRELAP: 69 RICHIE DIMASO (O.S.) An Arab sheik? Why do we need anArab Sheik?
69 70 INT. ART MUSEUM - DAY 70 Richie, in sharp lapeled suit, chain on his neck, walks withIrv and Edith and joined by a man who looks like an ARABSHEIK who they trail.