美国骗局 American Hustle Movie Script


  一次偶然中,埃文(克里斯蒂安·贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)遇见了性感美艳的脱衣舞女西德尼(艾米·亚当斯 Amy Adams 饰),趣味相投的两人一见钟情,很快就打得火热。没想到,埃文是一个职业骗子,在他的鼓动和“爱情的力量”影响之下,西德尼毅然入伙,两人联手合作,将“事业”经营的有声有色。

Irving looks over and shrugs his shoulders. Not surprised at all the way this is going and horrified that Richie has ruined it.
CARL ELWAY: (leaving) Irving! You better come get him.
RICHIE DIMASO: (stares at Irv) Go out there and get him right now.
CARL ELWAY: Help me get him back!
RICHIE DIMASO: Go get him. He needs to take the f***in' briefcase, Irving.
IRVING ROSENFELD I didn’t wanna do it in the first place. This is your show, YOU go get him.
RICHIE DIMASO: No, you have no choice. You have to go get him. Now, go get him, so he takes the briefcase by himself!
That's the whole plan, Irving!
Irving stands up angry and gets in Richie’s face.
IRVING ROSENFELD What were you doing pushing the f***ing briefcase, dummy? Huh?
RICHIE DIMASO: The whole f***in' thing was falling apart. You know how much I paid for this goddamn hotel that you f***ing asked for?!
IRVING ROSENFELD Now I gotta go mop up your mess.
I'm gonna go f***ing mop up your mess!
Irving storms out of the hotel suite towards the Elevators to get Carmine.
INT. PLAZA HOTEL SUITE FOYER - DAY Irving paces back and forth as he waits for the elevator.
INT. PLAZA HOTEL LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS We push in on the concerned face of Sydney as Richie rambles on to her.
RICHIE DIMASO: You understand what I'm saying, right? It wasn't working.
INT. PLAZA HOTEL SUITE FOYER - CONTINUOUS Irving continues to pace back and forth in the hall waiting for the elevator.
IRVING ROSENFELD (V.O.) Did you ever have to find a way tosurvive and you knew your choiceswere bad?
Irving walks over and hits the elevator button again.
IRVING ROSENFELD I learned how to survive when I was a kid.
7 IRVING ROSENFELD (V.O.) (CONT’D) My father had a glass business.
28 IRV AS KID SMASHES PLATE GLASS WINDOWS OF BRONX STOREFRONTS 28 Drumming up business for his father.