美国骗局 American Hustle Movie Script


  一次偶然中,埃文(克里斯蒂安·贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)遇见了性感美艳的脱衣舞女西德尼(艾米·亚当斯 Amy Adams 饰),趣味相投的两人一见钟情,很快就打得火热。没想到,埃文是一个职业骗子,在他的鼓动和“爱情的力量”影响之下,西德尼毅然入伙,两人联手合作,将“事业”经营的有声有色。

ANTHONY AMADO: Even to entrap Tellegio it's crazy.
But you can have the Sherman Suite - STODDARD THORSEN NO.
ANTHONY AMADO: --Stoddard, please -- To go and get me some congressmen. Go get some congressmen taking bribes. I want to pinch us some congressmen, ok?
You come back to me. I’m proud of you.
(then as an afterthought) And Stoddard.
143 INT. CORRIDOR - OLD FEDERAL COURT BUILDING - CONTINUOUS 143 Richie and Stoddard walk down large, echoey Federal building corridor. Stoddard walking ten feet ahead turns and points at Richie.
STODDARD THORSEN (shouts bitterly) Good luck keeping your job, by the way, and staying out of jail -- and not being killed by the Mob. But other than that you're doing a great job.
Stoddard turns and storms off.
RICHIE DIMASO: (as Stoddard walks away) What's the end of the ice fishing story?
STODDARD THORSEN I'm not telling you the end of the ice fishing story.
RICHIE DIMASO: I’m going to call your f***ing brother and find out from him.
STODDARD THORSEN My brother’s dead.
RICHIE DIMASO: That's how it ends. He fell through the f***ing ice.
STODDARD THORSEN (shouts bitterly) No it’s not. He died a different way, many years later.
He storms off and leaves Richie staring in the hallway.
EXT. PLAZA HOTEL -- DAY Establishing.
145 INT. PLAZA HOTEL - GENERAL SHERMAN SUITE HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS 145 Richie walks out of a surveillance room and down the hallway to where Irv and Sydney wait.
RICHIE DIMASO: Listen I know it’s awkward and I just want to say I’m sorry, alright? I think we can stick together and still fulfill our goal. I mean, we got the Sherman Suite.
IRVING ROSENFELD You got the whole floor?
RICHIE DIMASO: We got the whole floor, yeah.
EDITH GREENSLY: That’s good.
RICHIE DIMASO: Yeah, you ok?