反物质 Anti Matter Movie Script


Anti Matter (AKA Worm) is a sci-fi noir take on the Alice in Wonderland tale. Ana, an Oxford PhD student, finds herself unable to build new memories following an experiment to generate and travel through a wormhole. The story follows her increasingly desperate efforts to understand what happened, and to find out who - or what - is behind the rising horror in her life. 《反物质》(AKA Worm)是一部科幻小说,取材于爱丽丝梦游仙境的故事。牛津大学博士生安娜在一次虫洞产生和穿越实验后,发现自己无法建立新的记忆。故事讲述了她越来越拼命地了解发生了什么,并找出谁-或什么-是她生活中不断上升的恐怖的幕后推手。

Oh, hi, hello.
Sorry. / Don't be.
Joining us today?
I need to go home.
Actually, those ape masks, who has... / Ana.
Ana, we know.
How do you know my name?
We know what you're doing in there, your experiment.
You have two options.
You do the right thing... / Or what?
I'm sorry, are you threatening me?
Do you want me to call the police?
Be my guest.
Hey, hey! They're leaving via the back window, three.
Any sign of them?
Negative, it's empty.
I'll head up a floor.
Ana, hi.
How're you feeling?
How do you know where I am? / Okay.
How would I know where you are?
You aren't at home?
I'm out, I'm not feeling so good.