Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script



Wait! I'm here! I'm here, can you hear me?
[Scene cuts to Clint in the sewer system and trying to get his bearings. He flashes a light upwards to see what happened.]
[Clint finds the gauntlet is with him but senses he's not alone down there. He shoots an arrow with light towards the dark tunnel and finds hordes of Outriders.]
[under his breath] Damn.
[Clint takes the gauntlet and runs towards the opposite direction while the Outriders chase after him.] [Scene cuts to the Sanctuary II and it beams Thanos (2014) fully armoured to the ground. Nebula walks towards him.]
THANOS (2014):
NEBULA (2014):
Yes, Father.
THANOS (2014):
So, this is the future. Well done.
[Nebula (2014) takes off the orange plate on her head and throws it away]
NEBULA (2014):
Thank you, Father. They suspected nothing.
[Thanos (2014) plants his double-bladed sword on the ground, takes off his helmet and places on top of the sword's edge.]
THANOS (2014):
The arrogant never do.
[Thanos then sits down]
THANOS (2014):
Go. Find the stones. Bring them to me.
NEBULA (2014):
What will you do?
THANOS (2014):
[Nebula (2014) proceeds to go find the stones and the camera pans over the Sanctuary II and we see Gamora (2014) watching. Gamora (2014) heads over to where Nebula is being held prisoner.]
GAMORA (2014):
Tell me something. In the future, what happens to you and me?
I tried to kill you. Several times.
[Gamora (2014) rolls her eyes]
But eventually, we become friends. We become sisters.
[Gamora (2014) holds out her hand.]
GAMORA (2014):
Come on. We can stop him.
[Nebula takes it] [Scene cuts to Tony walking towards Steve who's unconscious on the ground.]