[Thanos' (2014) entire army is summons to the ground which include the Children of Thanos, Chitauri, Sakaarans, Outriders and Chitauri Gorillas. Upon seeing the army descending on Earth, Steve slowly gets back to his feet. With a fierce determination, he tightens his broken shield to his arm and stands against Thanos' giant army alone. Suddenly, a crackling comes in on his communicator.] [Steve looks behind to see the portal on his left side. Three figures step through; Okoye, Shuri, and Black Panther, fully restored and ready to fight. Steve and the revived Wakandans share a look when Sam zooms in from above in his Falcon armor. As he does, we see dozens more portals opening up all around the battlefield. Through one of these, we see Doctor Strange descend in. He is joined by Drax, Mantis, Star Lord, and Spider-Man. Everyone watches in confusion and awe as more and more heroes arrive from all corners of the universe, all backed up with forces of their own including Black Panther and his Wakandan army, Valkyrie and the Asgardians, Wong and the Masters of the Mystic Arts and several Ravager ships. Amongst the throngs of heroes we see Bucky, Groot, the Scarlet Witch, the Wasp, and Pepper Potts (clad in her own iron suit) arrive. Nearly every hero has magically been transported to the battlefield to face Thanos' hordes.] [Thor makes a battle cry, as does Black Panther and the heroes charge, the Avengers theme swelling with their stride. Thanos raises his sword towards them, commanding his army to charge as well. Then both sides collide. The camera switches between the meet-line, Drax and Korg, Pepper and Tony, all which are battling against Thanos' army.] [Cuts to Steve and Thor fighting. Steve takes Stormbreaker but Thor flies to him and passes Mjolnir]- THOR:
No, no, give me that. You have the little one. [best meme ever] [Later, Tony is seen fighting some of Thanos' army. Cull Obsidian backhands him, sending him to the ground, but Spider-Man uses his webs to pull him to the ground, allowing Giant-Man to stomp him flat. Peter runs to Tony and helps him up.]- PETER PARKER:
Hey! Holy cow! You will not believe what's been going on. Do you remember when we were in space? And I got all dusty? I must've passed out, Because I woke up, and you were gone. But Doctor Strange was there, right? He was like, "It's been five years. Come on, they need us." And then he started doing the yellow sparkly thing that he does all the time–