巴比伦5:开端 Babylon 5: In the Beginning Movie Script


地球军队遇到了一个叫做明巴里的外星种族。通过一系列的事故和误解,一场战争爆发,几乎导致地球上每一个人的死亡。战争及其后果为电视剧《巴比伦5》,特别是其第一季提供了背景。 The Earth military encounters an alien race called the Minbari. Through a series of accidents and misunderstandings, a war breaks out that nearly results in the death of every human on Earth. The war and its aftermath provide the background for the TV series "Babylon 5," especially its first season.

Is there any hostile action yet?
FIRST OFFICER: Negative, sir.
They still may not have noticed us yet.
Bring us in closer.
I want as much information as we can get.
Sir, our orders are to avoid... They are to bring back information on the Minbari and that's what we'll do.
If we bring back a profile on a warship they'll be handing out medals by the bucket.
We handled the Dilgar, and we can handle a few stray ships.
Now, bring us in closer.
The sensors have detected an echo which seems to be following our course.
They may be alien ships on approach.
I've told them to go to maximum power on the scanners so we can verify.
There's no reason to concern Dukhat with it until we know more.
[Scanner beeping] FIRST OFFICER: Sir, alien ships are changing course.
Moving in our direction.
I'm picking up scanners.
Extremely powerful.
I've never seen anything like them.
They've seen us!
All right, let's get out of here.
Prepare to jump.
- Jump engines not responding.
- What?
FIRST OFFICER: Alien scanner arrays interfering with our electrical systems.