巴比伦5:开端 Babylon 5: In the Beginning Movie Script


地球军队遇到了一个叫做明巴里的外星种族。通过一系列的事故和误解,一场战争爆发,几乎导致地球上每一个人的死亡。战争及其后果为电视剧《巴比伦5》,特别是其第一季提供了背景。 The Earth military encounters an alien race called the Minbari. Through a series of accidents and misunderstandings, a war breaks out that nearly results in the death of every human on Earth. The war and its aftermath provide the background for the TV series "Babylon 5," especially its first season.

They must be stopped.
Finish the work I began.
Finish it.
The Humans?
Yes. They are the key. He didn't know.
He couldn't know that we are at war with them.
And that is why it must be stopped.
We have lost too much valuable time already due to this distraction.
If we do not end it soon, more time will be lost.
This great war must be stopped before it starts or millions of lives will be lost.
The worst cases of radiation poisoning will be brought here for treatment.
When this goes on-line, it will be the best facility of its kind anywhere.
We still don't know what kind of enhanced energy weapons the Minbari use.
But when we do... What the hell is wrong with you, Franklin?
Get out. This is private.
I just got this report about your activities before you rejoined Earthforce.
You spent three years hitchhiking on starships, trading services as ship's doctor for free passage.
- That's right.
- You encountered a group of Minbari.
One of their ships went down.
There was no one else around.
I did what I could do to save them.
We didn't know what we were up against.
They all died.
- It's in the report.