大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script


剧情简介:百万富翁商人桑顿·梅隆(Thornton Melon)在儿子杰森(Jason)宣布自己不确定是否要上大学时感到不安。桑顿坚持认为大学是他从未拥有过的最好的东西,为了证明他的观点,他同意和儿子一起入学。桑顿在校园里大受欢迎:总是举办最大的派对,认识所有对的人,但这是过大学的方式吗? Millionaire businessman Thornton Melon is upset when his son Jason announces that he is not sure about going to college. Thornton insists that college is the best thing he never had for himself, and to prove his point, he agrees to enroll in school along with his son. Thornton is a big hit on campus: always throwing the biggest parties, knowing all the right people, but is this the way to pass college? faking out parents fake a stomach cramp moan and wail lick palms

Yes, we have miles and miles of fabric.
So take it from me, Thornton Melon... if you want to look thin, you hang out with fat people.
Thornton Melon's Tall and Fat... Lou, did you see the new spot?
Yeah, I seen it.
Do I look fat in it?
You could lose a couple of pounds.
I gotta get bigger actors.
Pocahontas, how are you?
Ophelia, hold some of my calls.
Yes, sir, Mr. Melon.
Good morning, everyone.
Take it easy, will ya?
And don't get any on the walls.
OK, folks. What's up?
Mr. Melon, we have a serious offer... on your commercial property in south Florida... and we feel you should sell.
No. Hold it for one more year, take the depreciation... then transfer title to the California Corporation.
Show it as a capital gain.
We should do great.
What else?
The toy division has come up with a new doll idea... to go along with our children's clothing line.
We call them Melon Patch Kids.
Now, the competition exploits the notion... that their dolls are orphans.
The Melon Patch Kids are not orphans.
They're abandoned.