大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script


剧情简介:百万富翁商人桑顿·梅隆(Thornton Melon)在儿子杰森(Jason)宣布自己不确定是否要上大学时感到不安。桑顿坚持认为大学是他从未拥有过的最好的东西,为了证明他的观点,他同意和儿子一起入学。桑顿在校园里大受欢迎:总是举办最大的派对,认识所有对的人,但这是过大学的方式吗? Millionaire businessman Thornton Melon is upset when his son Jason announces that he is not sure about going to college. Thornton insists that college is the best thing he never had for himself, and to prove his point, he agrees to enroll in school along with his son. Thornton is a big hit on campus: always throwing the biggest parties, knowing all the right people, but is this the way to pass college? faking out parents fake a stomach cramp moan and wail lick palms

The way a lot of people hold their marriage sacred.
That's how I feel about it.
So why don't we dive right in... by interpreting one of the easiest events... in the last twenty years of American history.
Now, can someone tell me... why, in 1975, we pulled our troops out of Vietnam?
The failure of Vietnamization to win popular support... caused an ongoing erosion of confidence... in the various American... but illegal... Saigon regimes.
Is she right?
'Cause I know that's the popular version... of what went on there.
I know a lot of people like to believe that.
I wish I could, but I was there.
I wasn't here in a classroom... hoping I was right, thinking about it.
I was up to my knees in rice paddies... with guns that didn't work, going up against Charlie... slugging it out with him, while pussies like you... were back here partyin', puttin' headbands on... doin' drugs, listening to the goddamn Beatle albums!
Hey, Professor, take it easy, will ya?
These kids were in grade school at the time.
And me... I'm not a fighter, I'm a lover.
Well, I didn't know you wanted to get involved... with the discussion, Mr. Helper.
But since you want to help, maybe you can help me, OK?
You remember that thing we had about thirty years ago... called the Korean conflict?
Yeah. Where we failed to achieve victory.
How come we didn't cross the 38th parallel... and push those rice-eaters back to the Great Wall of China... and take it apart brick by brick... and nuke them back into the f***in' stone age forever?
How come? Tell me?
Why? Say it! Say it!
All right, I'll say it.
'Cause Truman was too much of a p*ssy wimp... to let MacArthur go in and blow out those commie bastards!
Good answer. Good answer.
I like the way you think.