大儿子小爸爸 Back to School Movie Script


剧情简介:百万富翁商人桑顿·梅隆(Thornton Melon)在儿子杰森(Jason)宣布自己不确定是否要上大学时感到不安。桑顿坚持认为大学是他从未拥有过的最好的东西,为了证明他的观点,他同意和儿子一起入学。桑顿在校园里大受欢迎:总是举办最大的派对,认识所有对的人,但这是过大学的方式吗? Millionaire businessman Thornton Melon is upset when his son Jason announces that he is not sure about going to college. Thornton insists that college is the best thing he never had for himself, and to prove his point, he agrees to enroll in school along with his son. Thornton is a big hit on campus: always throwing the biggest parties, knowing all the right people, but is this the way to pass college? faking out parents fake a stomach cramp moan and wail lick palms

All "Ds" and an "A." Who gave me the "A"?
- I did.
- Oh, yeah?
I would like to introduce our speaker today.
This is the first time... in the history of this fine institution... that a freshman has given this address.
Mr. Thornton Melon.
Thank you very much.
Thank you, Dean Martin, President Sinclair... and members of the graduating class.
I have only one thing to say to you today... it's a jungle out there.
You gotta look out for number one.
But don't step in number two.
And so, to all you graduates... as you go out into the world my advice to you is... don't go!
It's rough out there.
Move back with your parents.
Let them worry about it.