蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script


《蝙蝠侠:元年》原著漫画于1988年首次发表,作者弗兰克·米勒开创性地再造了蝙蝠侠的起源故事——他是什么人,他如何成为蝙蝠侠。   本作从布鲁斯·韦恩第一次回到高谭市为开端,为这个传奇人物的诞生打下了新的基础,成为正史中最重要的一页。作为一切故事的开端,本集讲述了各个人物的来历。哈维·邓特不是令人瞩目的青年才俊,而是屡败屡战的检察官;猫女赛琳娜·凯勒不是上流社会的优雅贵妇,只是一名出身街头的穷妓女。在他们生存的哥谭市里,官员们同黑帮勾结,警察是罪犯的保护伞。新调来的警官詹姆斯·戈登想在一个堕落的城市做一名好警察;刚刚回到故乡准备扫尽罪孽的布鲁斯·韦恩则在流血中懂得,惟有让人恐惧才能叫人尊敬。在深夜中,他悄然出现,又随着宽大黑披风带起的一缕微风而没入黑暗。有人说他是野蛮的暴徒,有人说他是嗜血的疯子,也有人认为他只是一个都市传说。一切传说都有它的起源

THE BAT-MAN (V.O.) (CONT'D) They are like rag dolls to me now.
To be thrown aside and forgotten.
A third gets CRUSHED UNDERFOOT as THE BAT-MAN continues to climb, floor by floor, to the top.
It's been a tough fight. He's sweated through his clothes, lost his cape but the action only makes him stronger. A GLOW OF EXCITEMENT shines off him.
THE BAT-MAN (V.O.) (CONT'D) There is only one man I am looking for tonight. He's the GENERAL! And, now, before him ESTRADA tries to muster some composure.
He's run out of men to fight for him and stands surrounded by half-starved Asian women with hate in their eyes.
THE BAT-MAN (CONT'D) Ah, ESTRADA. At last we meet face to face. Such as it is. You're coming with me. I have a lot of questions for you.
ESTRADA is backing to the wall in pure fear. THE BAT-MAN's gloved hand covers his eyes. Everything goes DARK.
The tip makes a dimple in ESTRADA's neck.
THE BAT-MAN This is Hydro-strychnine-sulfate, you can think of it as a cross between truth serum and the worst acid trip of your life. Makes the stuff they had a Woodstock feel like aspirin.
THE BAT-MAN presses the sinister syringe into ESTRADA's carotid artery.
There's an immediate change in ESTRADA's attitude.
EXT. SIX STORY WAREHOUSE - MORNING An obviously drugged ESTRADA, duct taped to a 6th floor flag pole, rants loudly.
A few cops stand around looking up at the spectacle.
A crowd has gathered. ESTRADA yells to anyone who will listen—
We get the girls from overseas.
They work for us. Loeb takes money, he runs the show. The trains run on time. Keeps the show on the road.
Police say, you do your job, we do your job. No wait. I do my job you pay me. Something like that.
ESTRADA (CONT'D) We go to parties sometimes. I have a nice car.
(to a junior cop) Cut him down before someone hears him.
The cop cuts him down and we cut forward to — INT. GOTHAM JUSTICE BUILDING. BOOKING DESK - MORNING GORDON rages at a desk sergeant.
This man is a known felon. He's on the MOST WANTED LIST. We have numerous witnesses who heard him confessing to serious racketeering and corruption operations. You can't just let him go!
He walks. I got my orders.
(kicking the desk, hard) Dammit! DENT pulls GORDON off..