蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script


《蝙蝠侠:元年》原著漫画于1988年首次发表,作者弗兰克·米勒开创性地再造了蝙蝠侠的起源故事——他是什么人,他如何成为蝙蝠侠。   本作从布鲁斯·韦恩第一次回到高谭市为开端,为这个传奇人物的诞生打下了新的基础,成为正史中最重要的一页。作为一切故事的开端,本集讲述了各个人物的来历。哈维·邓特不是令人瞩目的青年才俊,而是屡败屡战的检察官;猫女赛琳娜·凯勒不是上流社会的优雅贵妇,只是一名出身街头的穷妓女。在他们生存的哥谭市里,官员们同黑帮勾结,警察是罪犯的保护伞。新调来的警官詹姆斯·戈登想在一个堕落的城市做一名好警察;刚刚回到故乡准备扫尽罪孽的布鲁斯·韦恩则在流血中懂得,惟有让人恐惧才能叫人尊敬。在深夜中,他悄然出现,又随着宽大黑披风带起的一缕微风而没入黑暗。有人说他是野蛮的暴徒,有人说他是嗜血的疯子,也有人认为他只是一个都市传说。一切传说都有它的起源

HOLLY is horrified.
INT. GOTHAM JUSTICE BUILDING. SITUATION ROOM - DAY The hunt for THE BAT-MAN has been kicked into high gear.
GORDON has,a dozen cops working with him now. His cramped office has been replaced with a full-sized situation room.
Do we have a spot set for tonight, sir?
(puts down some papers) Not yet.
GORDON consults a map.
EXT. EAST END SIDEWALK - NIGHT A well dressed MAN, WOMAN and a SMALL BOY walk hand-in-hand through a bad part of town. A thug follows them.
THE BAT-MAN watches from a nearby rooftop. But he does nothing as the man gets closer and pulls out a gun.
THE BAT-MAN watches the guy grab the woman's purse.
Help! Help! My purse! Help! Still THE BAT-MAN does nothing.
The mugger wrenches the purse free and takes off running down the empty street.
Watching from — INT. GORDON'S CRAPPY CAR - NIGHT GORDON jabs out a MARLBORO, frustrated — GORDON (INTO RADIO) That's it, meet back at headquarters in 30 minutes.
- lights another one.
EXT. EAST END SIDEWALK – NIGHT Up and down the street homeless people shuffle out from behind dumpsters, get in unmarked cop cars and drive off.
The couple and child head for a car. GORDON stops to thank them. He squats down, tussles the SMALL BOY'S hair.
Good work son.
The pair take off. GORDON, alone now, walks back to his car.
THE BAT-MAN (O.S.) I can help you get what you want.
GORDON freezes. Turns slowly.
THE BAT-MAN stands hidden in shadows just inside the alley.
GORDON puts his hands out like he's trying to calm a lost kitten.
OK. We can talk. How about down at the station?
THE BAT-MAN No. You don't understand.
(easing his gun out) You know you're on a suicide course, right? I'll get you some help. They'll kill you otherwise.
Believe me.