蝙蝠侠:元年 Batman: Year One Movie Script


《蝙蝠侠:元年》原著漫画于1988年首次发表,作者弗兰克·米勒开创性地再造了蝙蝠侠的起源故事——他是什么人,他如何成为蝙蝠侠。   本作从布鲁斯·韦恩第一次回到高谭市为开端,为这个传奇人物的诞生打下了新的基础,成为正史中最重要的一页。作为一切故事的开端,本集讲述了各个人物的来历。哈维·邓特不是令人瞩目的青年才俊,而是屡败屡战的检察官;猫女赛琳娜·凯勒不是上流社会的优雅贵妇,只是一名出身街头的穷妓女。在他们生存的哥谭市里,官员们同黑帮勾结,警察是罪犯的保护伞。新调来的警官詹姆斯·戈登想在一个堕落的城市做一名好警察;刚刚回到故乡准备扫尽罪孽的布鲁斯·韦恩则在流血中懂得,惟有让人恐惧才能叫人尊敬。在深夜中,他悄然出现,又随着宽大黑披风带起的一缕微风而没入黑暗。有人说他是野蛮的暴徒,有人说他是嗜血的疯子,也有人认为他只是一个都市传说。一切传说都有它的起源

The medics finish with GORDON.
I've given you about 35 stitches for that gash on your head. Try to keep it dry.
The medic hands back GORDON'S jacket. Something has been stuffed in his breast pocket. Puzzled, GORDON finds BRUCE'S microfilm. Holding it up to the light, his jaw drops open
I'll be a son of a... Behind him, FLASS observes GORDON'S discovery.
INT. ABANDONED TENNEMENT, LOBBY - LATER The SWAT TEAM waits nervously holding their machine guns on the elevator shaft. Sweat beads on their foreheads.
INT. ABANDONED TENNEMENT ELEVATOR SHAFT - LATER A gloved hand drops a single brick.
INT. ABANDONED TENNEMENT. LOBBY - LATER Nervous SWAT GUYS open fire into the rubble.
THE BAT-MAN uses the noise and confusion to drop through a hole in the ceiling, unseen, onto a SWAT GUY. He pulls back the SWAT GUY's helmet and sprays him with mace.
A second SWAT GUY turns to fire but THE BAT-MAN throws his knife into the guy's shoulder. He goes down screaming.
The whole SWAT TEAM, now aware of THE BAT-MAN, turns and opens fire at the moving cape as it streaks across the LOBBY.
Bullets tear through the cape and into old, brass mailboxes.
THE BAT-MAN throws himself through the hole where the floor has collapsed and lands in a pile of shattered tile and mirror.
He digs into his belt and pulls out several ROUND OBJECTS strung together with green cord. Then, holding one end of the cord, he flushes them down TOILET.
Upstairs, the SWAT TEAM, guns poised, peeks over the lip of the broken ceiling just in time to get a face full of — - exploding plumbing.
INT. ABANDONED TENNEMENT. BASEMENT BATHROOM - NIGHT Outside the BATHROOM door, THE BAT-MAN covers his ears until the debris settles.
Then he's back into the BATHROOM peering into the giant hole where the TOILET used to be. He gets on his hands and knees and squirms into the wet, slimy hole.
A half second later SWAT COMMANDER and three SWAT GUYS show up to investigate the explosion.
SWAT GUY #2 Man, it stinks.
They shine their lights into the hole.
INT. GOTHAM SEWERS - NIGHT Flashlight beams shine through a hole in a long drain pipe.
The light reflects off the water and feces-slimed walls as a dark figure runs limping away down the pipe.
A couple minutes later — EXT. ABANDONED TENNEMENT - NIGHT GORDON watches as the sooty and defeated SWAT team exits the building.
LOEB screams at the SWAT COMMANDER. Spittle flies. Fingers jab his chest.
GORDON smiles as he the microfilm in his pocket and starts his car.
INT. BAT CAVE - LATER All the crime fighting equipment from BRUCE's room is now downstairs on several long workbenches.