莫负当年情 Beaches Movie Script


两个性格对比鲜明和出身背景全然不同的女孩,在她们十一岁时偶然于大西洋城的度假海滩相识,从此发展了一段延续三年的友情。贝特·米德勒是一名劳工阶层出身的纽约犹太人,为人热情而自负,终日梦想着要在娱乐圈中出人头地。芭芭拉则是三藩市的社交名媛,聪明漂亮又富有,但是在恋爱和婚姻中也遭遇到不少挫折。 When the New York child performer CC Bloom and San Francisco rich kid Hillary meet in a holiday resort in Atlantic City, it marks the start of a lifetime friendship between them. The two keep in touch through letters for a number of years until Hillary, now a successful lawyer moves to New York to stay with struggling singer CC. The movie shows the various stages of their friendship and their romances including their love for the same man.

- You don't know?
I guess I missed you.
That's a nice thing to say.
- You want to have dinner tonight again after the show?
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Like a real date?
- Real.
- Semi-date.
- Whatever.
Any news about the funeral?
The funeral.
Well-- The funeral was yesterday, and she's gonna stay a little while longer... to settle the estate with her father's lawyer.
That's all I know.
-Well, Hillary, I did it.
- Bye, Mr.-- Im leaving the Falcon Players next month... to start that bawdy revue I told you about, the one called ''Sizzle.'' I know you don't approve, but, hey, Im gonna be rich.
I can't wait.
Dear CC, Well, I did it.
Im Mrs. Michael Essex.
Michael wasn't just my father's lawyer.
He was the son my father never had.
And in his final days, it gave him great joy to see us together.
The ceremony was beautiful... and our wedding reception small but lovely.
The only flaw was your absence.