大鱼 Big Fish (2003) Movie Script


爱德华(伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰)生性热爱自由,成年之后,他选择离开家乡,踏上了环游世界的旅程。一路上,爱德华遇见了各种各样稀奇古怪的角色,经历了无数精彩绝伦的的冒险,而他日后最大的兴趣,就是向他人喋喋不休的重复讲述他的这一段奇幻旅程。   威尔(比利·克鲁德普 Billy Crudup 饰)是爱德华的儿子,他并不相信父亲所讲述的那些光怪陆离的故事,甚至对此感到无比厌烦。婚后,他同父亲中断了联系,一晃眼就是数年过去。当再次得到爱德华的消息之时,威尔才知道父亲即将不久于人世,他决定去见爱德华最后一面。然而,这一次,威尔终于发现了隐藏在这些故事背后的奥秘和真相。 When Edward Bloom (Albert Finney) becomes ill, his son, William (Billy Crudup), travels to be with him. William has a strained relationship with Edward because his father has always told exaggerated stories about his life, and William thinks he's never really told the truth. Even on his deathbed, Edward recounts fantastical anecdotes. When William, who is a journalist, starts to investigate his father's tales, he begins to understand the man and his penchant for storytelling.

No I’m sorry, I...I’m engaged to bemarried.
ON EDWARD as his heart falls 20 floors. He tries to suppressthe reaction, put on a brave front.
But you’re wrong. I do know you, at least by reputation. Edward Bloom from Ashton. See, I’m actually engaged to aboy from Ashton. Don Price. He was a few years older than you.
FLASHCUTS TO: EXT. CREEPY OLD HOUSE - THE GATE - NIGHT Young Don Price shines his flashlight on Edward.
VARIOUS H.S. ATHLETIC COMPETITIONS Recapping earlier football, baseball and basketballhighlights, we find Edward beats Don every time.
THE STREET CORNER / ASHTON PARADE A smoking Don Price crushes his cigarette as Edward leavestown.
EXT/INT. SORORITY HOUSE - THE DOORWAY Edward is dumbstruck. With all the strength he can muster...
Well. Congratulations. I’m sorry tohave bothered you.
He turns and walks down the front steps.
She stays in the doorway for a few beats, feeling genuinelyhorrible for what’s happened. But eventually she goes backinside. We hear GIGGLES from inside as her sorority sistersget to the bottom of this.
Stop it. It’s not funny. That poorboy.
We LEAD Edward as he walks away, tears just starting to form.
EDWARD (V.O.) Fate has a cruel way of circling around on you. After all this work to leave Ashton, the girl I loved was nowengaged to one of its biggest jerks.
He EXITS FRAME, leaving only the sorority house in thebackground.
EDWARD (V.O.) (cont’d) There’s a time when a man needs to fight, and a time when he needs toaccept that his destiny is lost, thatthe ship has sailed, and that only afool would continue.
A beat. Edward steps back INTO FRAME, looking at thesorority house.
EDWARD (V.O.) (cont’d) The truth is, I’ve always been a fool.
We CIRCLE as he shouts: EDWARD (cont’d) Sandra Templeton! I love you! And I am going to marry you!
INT. SORORITY HOUSE FOYER - DAY Sandra and her SISTERS peer out through the curtains. Is this guy crazy?
INT. LECTURE HALL - DAY The tweedy ECONOMICS PROFESSOR continues his explanation.
Sandra isn’t paying a lot of attention.
He switches on the overhead projector without looking at it.