疯狂高尔夫 Caddyshack Movie Script


在一家独家高尔夫俱乐部发生的滑稽事件。所有的成员都很富有,性格古怪,所有的员工都很穷,性格稍不古怪。主角是“丹尼”;他是一个球童,几乎可以做任何事情来筹集资金上大学。有很多小情节,包括助理饲养员对一只可爱的(显然是填充的)地鼠的追求。 Comical goings on at an exclusive golf club. All the members are wealthy and eccentric, and all the staff are poor and slightly less eccentric. The main character is 'Danny'; he's a caddy who will do almost anything to raise money to go to college. There are many subplots, including the assistant green keeper's pursuit of a cute (obviously stuffed) gopher.

Well, thanks for nothing!
You're a good egg, Noonan.
She needs you.
Pick up that Kleenex.
The judge would like to see the caddy Danny Noonan as soon as he comes in.
I'm Danny Noonan.
Would you come with me, please?
Judge Smails, sir?
Sit down, Danny.
I think you know why you're here.
So I'll do us the courtesy of not reviewing what happened yesterday.
My niece is the kind of girl that has a certain zest for living.
The last thing any of us needs now is a lot of loose talk about her behavior.
I swear I didn't tell anybody anything, sir.
Good. Good.
You know, despite what happened l'm still convinced that you have many fine qualities.
I think you can still become a gentleman someday if you understand and abide by the rules of decent society.
There's a lot of...well, badness in the world today.
I see it in court every day.
I've sentenced boys younger than you to the gas chamber.
I didn't want to do it.
I felt I owed it to them.
The most important decision you can make right now is what you stand for.
Goodness or badness.
I've made some mistakes in the past.