蓝调传奇Cadillac Records Movie Script


《凯迪拉克唱片》讲述了20世纪50年代芝加哥的性、暴力、种族和摇滚故事,讲述了美国一些音乐传奇人物激动人心但动荡不安的生活,包括浑水、伦纳德·切斯、小沃尔特、豪林·沃尔夫、埃塔·詹姆斯和查克·贝瑞。 In this tale of sex, violence, race, and rock and roll in 1950s Chicago, "Cadillac Records" follows the exciting but turbulent lives of some of America's musical legends, including Muddy Waters, Leonard Chess, Little Walter, Howlin' Wolf, Etta James and Chuck Berry.

What you gonna do, Mud?
You gonna hit me, Mud?
You gonna choke me now? On the street?
Get off me.
You know, that Wolf, the way he stood up for his sideman, maybe he could teach you something, Mud.
Esther, come on!
Find yourself another harp player.
Well, baby, you know I can never be satisfied And I just can't keep from crying Lay it on, man.
Hubert Sumlin, ladies and gentlemen.
- What you want, miss?
- Tell Pot that I ain't leaving.
Pot! Your girl said she ain't leaving.
I want your things out of my room when I get home. I told you.
You can't hide from the eye of God.
He hunting heads tonight.
Muddy, I don't think I want to be in your band no more.
You steal him from me again, I'll kill you.
He tell you I quit?
He said he felt like somebody took away his oxygen.
You're family.
You don't have to do this.
I'm gonna miss you.
When you lose that cat that gave you that sound that nobody else could, it hurts.
Hurts more than losing your woman.