蓝调传奇Cadillac Records Movie Script


《凯迪拉克唱片》讲述了20世纪50年代芝加哥的性、暴力、种族和摇滚故事,讲述了美国一些音乐传奇人物激动人心但动荡不安的生活,包括浑水、伦纳德·切斯、小沃尔特、豪林·沃尔夫、埃塔·詹姆斯和查克·贝瑞。 In this tale of sex, violence, race, and rock and roll in 1950s Chicago, "Cadillac Records" follows the exciting but turbulent lives of some of America's musical legends, including Muddy Waters, Leonard Chess, Little Walter, Howlin' Wolf, Etta James and Chuck Berry.

- Alan Freed put us on the map.
This gives him the license... Did you take an underage white girl across state lines?
I'm not talking about girls.
What's going on?
- Don't say sh*t. Don't say anything.
- Hello, Officers. Is there a problem?
Mr. Berry, you are under arrest for transporting a minor across state lines for the purpose of prostitution.
First of all, I didn't transport anyone anywhere. I didn't solicit anything.
Gentlemen, I'll have you know that my very dear friend Mr. Jerry Lee Lewis - has a 13-year-old wife.
- Keep your mouth shut.
Are we stopping by his home on the way?
Emmett Till gets murdered for whistling at a white woman.
I know you're pleased to get Chuck Berry.
Fix this, Leonard.
You guys got to be kidding me, man.
Where are you from?
You set that hair in the morning?
You ladies shouldn't be out here without an escort.
A bunch of English boys started playing our music.
Now, it was made in America, but I guess nobody thought we were Americans.
Hey, let me help you with that, fellow.
F***ing hell. It's him!
Mr. Waters.
We're big fans.
You're the reason we got together.