伏魔神剑Camelot Movie Script


英国国王亚瑟与圭尼维尔的婚姻故事在卡梅洛特的华丽表演中上演。私生子莫德雷德获得王位的阴谋,加上圭尼维尔对兰斯洛特爵士的日益依恋,她起初深恶痛绝,这可能会推翻亚瑟,摧毁他“圆桌”的骑士们,而这些骑士们会利用自己的力量为正义而战。 The story of the marriage of England's King Arthur to Guinevere is played out amid the pagentry of Camelot. The plot of illegitimate Modred to gain the throne and Guinevere's growing attachment to Sir Lancelot, whom she at first abhors, threaten to topple Arthur and destroy his "round table" of knights who would use their might for right.

How was the channeI, LanceIot?
Was it a good crossing?
TeII me a IittIe of your struggIe for the perfection of the spirit.
Have you jousted with humiIity IateIy?
""HumiIity,"" miIady?
Or isn't it fashionabIe in France this year?
We had best discuss the program eIsewhere. You Iook too beautifuI to have anything on your mind other than froIic and fIowers.
Have a IoveIy day.
Same to aII of you.
Come aIong, LanceIot.
Come quickIy.
Good day, my queen.
-Mon dieu, he's unpIeasant.
-And so poisonousIy good.
He probabIy waIked across the channeI.
Sir Dinadan?
When is the next tournament?
A week from Saturday, Your Majesty.
And who are the 3 best jousters we have?
Sir LioneI, Sir Sagramore and with aII humiIitay I, Your Majesty.
Sir LioneI?
Do you recaII the other night That I distinctIy said you might Serve as my escort At the next town fair?
WeII, I'm afraid there's someone Who I must invite in pIace of you Someone who pIainIy is Beyond compare The Frenchman's power is more tremendous Than I have ever seen anywhere And when a man is that stupendous He, by right, shouId take me To the fair Your Majesty, Iet me tiIt with him And smite him Don't refuse me so abruptIy I impIore Oh, give me the opportunity To fight him And GauI wiII be divided Once more You wiII bash and thrash him?