间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script


A family man (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is plunged into the complex and dangerous world of international terrorism after he loses his wife and child in a bombing. Frustrated with the official investigation and haunted by the thought that the man responsible for murdering his family might never be brought to justice, he takes matters into his own hands and tracks his quarry ultimately to Colombia. 消防员戈登(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)有一个美好幸福的小家庭。然而,却遭遇飞来横祸:哥伦比亚的恐怖分子为了自己的目的在洛山矶市的繁华路段炸毁了一栋大楼,迟到的戈登亲眼目睹了爆炸引起的大火将在大楼前等侯自己的妻儿活活烧死,然而美国官方只给了戈登四个字解释――间接伤害。虽然戈登四处奔走,呼吁将凶徒乘之于法,然而哥伦比亚官方称这是叛军所为,而这伙叛军已和政府军进行了长达10年的内战,政府也没有办法将匪徒缉拿归案。官方软弱的行为彻底激怒了戈登,戈登决心亲自前往哥伦比亚找出这伙恐怖分子让他们血债血偿!

When that war ended, we moved to the next war, and the next... Each fight has only deepened hishatred. And poisoned his soul.
(beat) He's unable to love anything anymore...
Why are you still here?
Because I know he was a good man, who's been consumed by ragebecause of what he lost... Just like you.
I'm not like him.
Not yet.
He kills innocent people.
(then) He's planning to kill more.
Beat. Selena suddenly stands, uncomfortable, not wantingto discuss it. She goes to the door and knocks. OFF Gordy, as the door opens, and Selena exits... 269 CLOSEUP - SATELLITE IMAGE 269 A laser pointer indicates the photo.
UPDEGRAF (O.S.) This is a satellite shot of the Caguan region last night.
The laser indicates an area of the photo.
UPDEGRAF (O.S.) Here's Caguan town.
FOLLOW the laser TO: 269A SECOND IMAGE 269A the same night shot with a bright spot in the town area.
269A CONTINUED: 269A UPDEGRAF (O.S.) At 2250, we get a large heat-andlight anomaly consistent with anexplosion.
FOLLOW the laser TO: 269B THIRD SATELLITE IMAGE 269B a high-resolution, infrared enlargement.
UPDEGRAF (O.S.) This is the explosive area twominutes later. We got a houseblown to sh*t and burning. We gotColombians in cammies, a gringodown, a woman and kid, and some bodies. This guy -The laser indicates The Wolf.
UPDEGRAF (O.S.) -- is giving all the orders.
BRANDT (O.S.) ... I don't f***ing believe it.
That lucky son-of-a-b*tch foundThe Wolf.
UPDEGRAF (O.S.) ... He's paying for it now.
FOLLOW the laser TO: 269C FOURTH SATELLITE IMAGE 269C an infrared shot of people and vehicles near the burninghouse.
UPDEGRAF (O.S.) A little later, an E.L.C. convoyarrives, and everyone loads up... The convoy travels thirty-twominutes upriver and stops here... FOLLOW the laser TO: 269D FIFTH SATELLITE IMAGE 269D an infrared night shot of parked vehicles, buildings, people, etc.