间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script


A family man (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is plunged into the complex and dangerous world of international terrorism after he loses his wife and child in a bombing. Frustrated with the official investigation and haunted by the thought that the man responsible for murdering his family might never be brought to justice, he takes matters into his own hands and tracks his quarry ultimately to Colombia. 消防员戈登(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)有一个美好幸福的小家庭。然而,却遭遇飞来横祸:哥伦比亚的恐怖分子为了自己的目的在洛山矶市的繁华路段炸毁了一栋大楼,迟到的戈登亲眼目睹了爆炸引起的大火将在大楼前等侯自己的妻儿活活烧死,然而美国官方只给了戈登四个字解释――间接伤害。虽然戈登四处奔走,呼吁将凶徒乘之于法,然而哥伦比亚官方称这是叛军所为,而这伙叛军已和政府军进行了长达10年的内战,政府也没有办法将匪徒缉拿归案。官方软弱的行为彻底激怒了戈登,戈登决心亲自前往哥伦比亚找出这伙恐怖分子让他们血债血偿!

Selena hears the BIKE. Sees Claudio coming. Uses the front edge of her hand to strike the female agent hard inthe throat. The agent falls to her knees trying to suckair through a crushed windpipe. Selena whip-kicks theother agent to the ground.
Claudio brakes hard next to Selena, who takes the female agent's pistol and spare magazines as... 122.
360 GORDY 360 bursts outside, followed by Phipps et al.
Claudio OPENS FIRE with a MACHINE PISTOL, hitting twoagents and scattering Gordy, Phipps and the rest. Selena SHOOTS the two escort people dead, then BLASTS away atthe other people pouring out of the institute as shestraddles the Ducati behind Claudio, and the powerfulBIKE SCREAMS off down the street.
Gordy jumps to his feet and runs after them.
361 EXT. BUILDING'S TOP FLOOR 361 BOOM! A MASSIVE EXPLOSION spits flame out of the windowsof the building's top floor.
362 PEOPLE 362 dive for cover. Debris showers the street.
363 GORDY 363 keeps moving.
364 STREET IN FRONT OF INSTITUTE 364 runs one way in the direction the Ducati's headed. Far down the block, the bike turns right onto another one-way street.
365 GORDY 365 spots an alley on his right and turns into it.
366 EXT. ALLEY 366 Gordy's now moving parallel to Claudio and Selena, sprinting hard toward another one-way street, whichcrosses the alley ahead. He doesn't know if he'll intercept the bike, but it's his only shot.
367 EXT. STREET 367 Claudio GUNS the BIKE down the second street, parallel toGordy's alley. He and Selena reach an intersection with the one-way street. A right turn will complete the "U" and take them back toward Gordy. Straight ahead, thestreet they're on is one-way in the opposite direction.
Claudio hangs right and cranks on the speed.
368 EXT. ALLEY 368 Gordy's almost to the next street. He can hear the WHINE of the DUCATI growing closer. When... A truck stops ahead of him and blocks the alley.
Gordy veers into a walkway between buildings.
369 EXT. STREET 369 A parked car suddenly pulls out in front of the speedingDucati. Claudio can't swerve around it. SLAMS ON the BRAKES. The car's driver, frightened and flustered bythe near collision, is slow moving out of the way.
370 EXT. TOWN HOUSE - BACK YARD 370 Gordy bursts through a gate. Sees back steps leading tothe open door of a second-story over a garage and chargesthe steps.
371 EXT. STREET 371 The driver of the car finally backs up. Claudio aims the DUCATI through a narrow gap and ZOOMS on.
372 INT. TOWN HOUSE GARAGE 372 Gordy blows into the second story of the garage, aconverted old-time carriage barn. He's in the old hayloft. On the opposite side of the loft, a doubledoor built for loading in hay is open above the street.
Gordy sprints for the opening, and... 373 EXT. STREET 373 The Ducati tears around traffic, when... Gordy leaps out of the hayloft, launches himself off aparked car as the DUCATI SCREAMS past, and... He just manages to grab Selena and yank her off the bike.
Selena's arms are wrapped around Claudio -- when Gordyrips her out of the saddle, Claudio goes, too. The three of them tumble to the ground as the speeding Ducatispins, flips and disintegrates.
374 CLAUDIO 374 in leathers and a helmet. He takes the fall better than Selena. Gets to his feet. Looks for the guns theydropped. Before Claudio can get to a gun, Gordy's onhim. They grapple. Gordy pounds Claudio hard. Once.
Twice. When... 375 SELENA 375 side-kicks Gordy. He sags. She front-kicks a heel into his spine and between his shoulder blades. Gordy lets goof Claudio and drops. Selena's relentless, kicks Gordyrepeatedly as... 376 CLAUDIO 376 gets the pistol. Turns. Aims the gun two-handed atGordy's head, and BANG!