躲避球:一个真正的卧底故事Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Movie Script


一个真正的Underdog Story 喜剧电影

- You're hooked on La Fleur.
- God.
I've been through this many times. I'm sorry.
You can't stay away from me. I'm so stupid.
I'll admit that, in spite of yourself, you have brief moments where you're not completely... What? I'm not completely what?
Hey, White. I didn't think that Nazi camp got out until eight.
- Did you decide to skip arts and crafts?
- Yes, I did.
Hello, Kate.
I wasn't aware I was paying you to socialise.
- You're not. I'm off the clock.
- Isn't it "convenient" for you, and the clock?
I dropped by to congratulate you on your victory by disqualification and introduce you to the team that will win the Las Vegas Dodgeball Open.
My team.
Allow me the pleasure of introducing you to Blade.
I've believe you've met my fitness consigliere, Me'Shell.
- We met.
- And I almost forgot our last player.
Meet Fran Stalinofskivitchdavitovichski.
In her home country of Romanovia, dodgeball is the national sport.
Her nuclear power plant's team won the championship five years running, which makes her the deadliest woman on earth with a dodgeball.
Ball me, Blazer.