躲避球:一个真正的卧底故事Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Movie Script


一个真正的Underdog Story 喜剧电影

Oh, I don't think I'm a lot dumber than you thought I'd think that I thought I was once.
Look, Peter, I know what it's like.
Really. For all our blustery back-and-forth, we're really pretty much the same guy.
We're both leaders. And I like what you've done with the gym over there.
I love the whole "I'm not OK, you're not OK, but that's OK" thing you got going.
"You can be fat as long as you're happy inside." It works.
And they love you. Whoo, do they love you.
You're their Fonzie, Pete.
"Hey." Right?
But do you really think it's fair for them to put all that pressure on you? All the time?
Looking to you to solve their every problem?
I mean, come on.
I know you. You know you.
And I know you know that I know you.
You're heading for a fall, Pete.
Sooner or later, Average Joe's is gonna close.
And when it does, they're gonna blame you.
I don't know if you've ever seen $100,000, except maybe in the movies.
But I assure you, something gets lost in the translation.
Money. $100,000. Dodgeball game.
Take the money.
Invest it in something.
Give it to charity, I don't care.
Just sign the contract.
Come on, guys. We got Peter.