水性杨花 Easy Virtue Movie Script


希区柯克又一部根据舞台剧改编的作品,编剧是大才子诺尔·考沃德,为了抢时间,在《下坡路》还没杀青的时候,希区柯克就带着剧组去法国出外景了。影片讲述了丈夫发现女主角被画家求爱而提出离婚,她又经历了一段新的婚姻但还是以离婚收场。片中有一个希区柯克相当得意的段落,男主角向女主角求婚的段落从头至尾都是通过一个接线员来展示的。另外,希区柯克在片中是否客串也成为影史谜团之一,有兴趣的朋友可以注意网球场这个段落,看看是否真是希胖现身。 Between world wars, the Whittaker's estate is sinking; only the iron will of Mrs. Whittaker staves off bankruptcy while she awaits her son John's return from the continent. To her dismay, he brings a bride: an American widow who races cars. The bride, Larita, thinks she and John will visit and then go to London, where he'll work and she'll race. But John is to the manor born, and mother is nothing if not a master at plans and manipulation. Soon it's all-out war between mother and bride, with John's father, a burnt out veteran of the Great War, in the bride's corner ineffectually. Mother has a plan to join with the neighboring estate; only Larita is in her way. Can't we all get along?

I hear the cow's in a terrible way.
- I've sent flowers.
And did she eat them?
Good evening to you all.
Nobody told me tonight was fancy dress!
Then why have you come as the village idiot?
I think I'm snagged.
Let me help you with that.
Holy mother!
Panda? You're forgiven... tenfold.
Sarah Hurst, I'd like to introduce my wife, Larita Whittaker.
Gosh, I do like the sound of that.
Sarah... finally.
Johnnie talks about you constantly.
- How very annoying for you.
I hope we can be friends.
- We already are. Congratulations.
Er... I'd like to be friends, too.
Larita, my tiresome brother... - The dishonourable Philip Hurst.
Charmed, my dear lady.
Philip, won't you escort me in?
Of course, my beautiful, little Sausage Fingers.