布达佩斯之恋Gloomy Sunday AKA The Piano Player) Movie Script


aka= as known as

Goes straight to the heart, doesn't it?
Our house pianist composed it himself Really! Does the tune have a name?
It's called "Gloomy Sunday" I take it you're closed on Sundays?
No, we're never closed I'm Mr. Novak, director of the Lindstroem Record Company We'd be honored if you and the composer would join us later for a glass of champagne With pleasure The fact remains: The composer and the composition are unknown We'll have to give the radio directors something so the record gets played That could be interpreted as bribery It's only bribery if it's not enough One could slip something to someone at the radio station But it would have to be deducted from the composer's royalties Half of it Pardon?
Half from him It's an investment, and investments should be split honestly Fair enough, that's do-able Royalties are 6%% % I'm sorry, I didn't quite hear you You said... 12%% %?
Twelve percent!?
Franz Lehar earns that much!
But with an operetta, you have to pay singers, and the orchestra If one of those 70 people gets a toothache, you'd have to postpone the recording Enough already... eight Ten Nine And it has to say on the label that "Gloomy Sunday" originated here - That can be done - If it fits!
Mr. Schwitz!
So we're agreed Allow me to go get a very special bottle of champagne vintage 1928 Permission granted Mr. Torresz left his portfolio, with a note "The song was lovely Thanks very much, I must go now" Thanks are fine, paying is better He was acting so oddly this evening Excuse me, Mr. Szabo You're so worldly, I'm just a pianist... Don't say things like "just" A lot of artists have an impresario, who gets 10%% % for their trouble Would you be my manager, for 10%% %?
Please Mr. Aradi, I can't charge a fee for helping a friend, now can I?
Thank you, Mr. Szabo Thank you Good morning Were you out celebrating with the music publishers?
Just a liqueur More than one, it looks like Are you here to pick us up?
I wanted to ask you something You and llona The record will be made in Vienna Would you like to come along?
You and llona?
Laszlo, let's go to Vienna!
- That's impossible - Why?
- We'd have to close the restaurant - Only for a day!
You could do itjust once, Mr. Szabo Please... Let's go to Vienna The three of us, For me No, I won't close the restaurant Not even for a day There'd have to be a real reason If the great Flood were coming, maybe - That's Mr. Torresz!
- He hanged himself The song was lovely Thanks very much, I must go now The radio!
Our song is on the radio!
Come listen. Please!
That was "Gloomy Sunday". Written and performed by Andras Aradi The song got its start in 'Restaurant Szabo' in Budapest Did you hear that?
Yes Thanks So strange!