aka= as known as
aka= as known as
They should be in bed Hungary withdrew from the League of Nations today, for Hitler If that's a reason to celebrate, there's worse to come Them and their German masters They marched right into Austria Right into Vienna itself You were in Vienna, with llona for three whole days Yes You're fired Your songs are too sad for me anyway I'll hire a gypsy band, Aradi, if we're going to sleep together in one bed let's drop the "Mister" Laszlo! Andras Andras... Andras. You're re-hired The poor gypsies llona, we're very sorry No, it's my fault You're both unhappy And I am too I can't do this anymore We must split up Both of us. I mean... all of us No, no We're... we're not unhappy - Only sometimes - llona... We need you and you need us Both of us. That's personal "I'm very busy. My company is expanding with the German Reich Germany is becoming 'Greater Germany' for we are a people without enough room of our own" Other people don't have room, but they don't start wars I think he means it in an economic sense Mr. Szabo, telephone I think he means just what he wrote Szabo here Yes, "Gloomy Sunday" was composed here It's played every evening At 8 o'clock? Our pleasure That was the boss's son from Mendel Industries He reserved a table for six people Mendel?